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Global Experts Network

IGCAT experts believe that Food and Cultural Diversity is an important source of pride and entrepreneurial opportunities to increase local production and empower local communities.


IGCAT experts join forces to instil local pride by building alliances across local communities and across sectors to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking, creativity and innovation based on traditions and tangible and intangible heritage, elements that are important resources to empower and preserve cultural expression in local communities.


In doing so, IGCAT also increases awareness of issues concerning sustainable food systems and stimulates more responsible consumerism for the future.

Diane Dodd PhD is President of IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) and founder…

Davinia Galea is Founder and Managing Director at ARC Research & Consultancy, and an IGCAT expert since 2016…

Dr. Eva Canaleta is Academic Director at the University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts of Sant…

Dr. Edith M. Szivas is Vice-President and Treasurer of IGCAT, and an internationally recognised tourism development expert…

Marta Crispí i Cantón is the Director of the MA in Cultural Management at the International University of Catalonia…

Caroline Couret is an expert in creative tourism. She founded and currently manages the Creative Tourism Network®…

Jorge Bernárdez is a specialist in strategic and operational management, financing and fundraising with more than twenty…

Prof. Janez Bogataj is Honorary Professor at the University of Ljubljana and author of several publications on gastronomy…

Martyn Bould MBE is a founding board member of the National Gallery for the Cayman Islands and was recognised…

Dr. Aleš Gacnik is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage at the Faculty of…

Dr. Danuta Glondys is a Lecturer at the Institute of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Social Communication…

Dag Hartman is Senior Advisor and Regional Expert for International Projects at Region of Jämtland Härjedalen…

Dr. Daniela Angelina Jelincic is Senior Research Advisor at the Institute for Development and International Relations…

Rosario is an author and a television and multimedia director. He is also in promotion and big events. He lives and…

Doctor of Arts works as a Professor of Applied Art and Design at the University of Lapland. Previously she has…

Mary Miller began her career as a concert violinist, before becoming Music Editor for Scotland’s national…

He was recruited to the HUE University as a lecturer in Tourism Marketing and Sustainable development…

Marina Simião has been working since 2000 in the tourism and culture sectors having by now extensive…

Robert Palmer is a free-lance independent expert consultant in the cultural sector. Formerly, he was…

Philippe Poirrier is aProfessor of contemporary history at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France) and…

László graduated in 1993 as an economist specialized in tourism and logistics at Budapest University of…

Dr. Kris Rampersad is an independent sustainable development educator, and award-winning multimedia producer…

Dr. Ilie Rotariu worked as a guide during the early seventeens, and continued, as a graduate of foreign trade…

As a former Business Relations Manager at ProAgria/Ruural Women’s Advisor Centre North Savo/Eastern Finland…

Dr. Fazli Sattar holds an International Master Degree in Economics and Administration of Cultural Heritage…

Founder and Director of the World Culture Project, he has worked in the arts and cultural field…

Tanja Strugar grew up living in various countries around the world. China, Lebanon, Israel, Italy, South Africa,…

Professor of Public Economics (Magna Graecia University in Catanzaro), Michele teaches Cultural Economics…

Prof. Dr. Lidia Varbanova has professional experience in Canada, Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. She works as a…

Dimitrije Vujadinović is a Member of the Journalist Independent Association of Serbia and International Federation…

Jutamas Wisansing completed a bachelor degree, majoring in television production. After exploring the field of Drama… 

Dr. Valeria Campos studies the subject of food and human feeding from a philosophical and anthropological point of view…

Laura Rosano is the National Coordinator of Slow Food International in Uruguay, and Director of Verde Oliva, a company…

Pelle is the Managing Director of Food Organisation of Denmark (FOOD). FOOD is a small public-private…

Cáit is an internationally experienced educator and has worked in the UK, Switzerland and China. She…

Jacinta is an IGCAT board member and a member of Faculty at The College of Tourism & Arts, Galway Mayo Institute…

Alessio Cavicchi is a Full Professor of Agribusiness, Rural Development and Branding at the Department of Agriculture…

Giuseppe Laquidara is a Physicist, CEO and co-founder at X23 Srl since 2011 in charge of assisting, supporting and…

Larissa Uwase completed an undergraduate course in Built Environment and Architecture in 2016, at the College of…

Cultural Mediator and Researcher in Linguistic, Ethnology and Anthropology. Louis-Marie completed a…

Loïc Bienassis is a Researcher and Project Manager at the Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation…

He got his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Medical Biotechnology from the University FEDERICO II of Naples in Italy. In 2006…

Bilel ABOUDI is specialist in Cultural policies for development. Currently, he is Culture Policy Lead at Abu Dhabi Department of…

Lila has published the awarded book “Traditional Tastes of the Aegean”, has served as a food journalist in Gastronomic…

Founding member of Apega (Peruvian Society of Gastronomy) and lecturer of  gastronomic journalism. Her gastronomic…

As a saffron aficionado, Kim presents at various culinary institutions and restaurants to teach about the basics of…

Fia is the loadstar of crEATive gastronomy eco-systems for local and global growth. Food, creativity, culture and sustainable…

Blanca Cros i Moll is the Head of European Programmes & International Relations at the Catalan Tourist Board and…

Anja Van Hout is the Strategic Advisor for the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch in Northeast Brabant, she is responsible for…

Sarah Gardner is a freelance consultant and advisor with over 25 years’ experience as a leader in the culture sector…

Indrakarona Ketaren is President and co-Founder of Adi Gastronom Indonesia (AGASI), a non-profit organisation…

Rodgers N. Kazembe is an expert hotelier, author and consultant with over 30 years of experience in hospitality and…

Dr. Joost Smiers is a Professor (em.) of Political Science and Research Fellow at the Utrecht University…

A Mandela Washington Fellow, Joyce Gyebi is a food entrepreneur who is passionate about African cuisine…

Prof. Mihaela Antofie is the Director of the Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Environmental…

Named in Time Magazine’s list of 10 Next Generation Leaders. Oscar is the Founder of Chowberry Inc, a technology…

Antti Iire is Manager of Research and Development at Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio, Finland…

Cristina Calheiros is Environmental Engineer and holds a PhD in Biotechnology. Currently she is a Research…

Executive Director – UNWTO Academy Omar Valdez, Argentinean, holds a Bachelor degree in…

Dr. Iulia Dragut has been President of Cultural Association Euro East Alternative since 2007 and IGCAT Expert…

Chairman of Adult Education Schools of Menorca Jaume Gomila, is a philologist, teacher and…

Peter is a long-time member of the European Region of Gastronomy network and former advisor in the…

Astrid Maharani is the Managing Director at Good Indonesian Food, member of Culinary and…

Jiao Hui is from Chengdu, China, a division chief of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and…

Prof. Boaz Adhengo Ph.D, is a diplomatic and creative cross-cultural researcher, sensitive to diversity issues…

Heidi Lazani is a communication specialist, political scientist and founder of Bespoke Communications…

Wine & Food Tourism Brand Manager – Catalan Tourist Board Ariadna Ribas Merino is an…

Jesper is a founding member of the European Region of Gastronomy network and has for…

Barbara is a marketing and tourism professional with more than 25 years of experience. As the head of the Research…

Joana Santos is an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at the Polytechnic Institute of…

Katerina Christodoulou is the owner of two companies based in Cyprus: My Ideal Credere and…

Passionate about innovation, mixed cultures and chocolate, Dorian Lungu specialised in…

General Manager – Iter Vitis Les Chemins de la Vigne en Europe (Cultural Route of the…

Cook, food writer and specialist in Food Tourism and Quality Assurance, Wendy founded her…

A culinary connoisseur from the age of six, Executive Chef and Director of Culinary Services at Montego Bay…

Dr. Kovács taught at the Economic and Social Sciences Faculty of Szent István University in Gödöllő, Hungary…

Vasia Papailia is the Special Communications Advisor to the Governor of South Aegean, Greece. Her main…

José Luís Marques has been working in education and training for almost his entire professional life, with the…

Expert in the field of performing arts & restaurant consultant Since 2020, Robert Ngoun has…

Experienced architect, researcher and cultural manager looking for opportunities in digital media, international…

CEO & Founder – Creative Strategies Lab After more than a decade leading numerous…

Degree in Agronomy from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Lisbon) and a Master’s degree in the same…

Tourism Expert Born into a hybrid Russian Jordanian family, and having lived and studied in…

Head of Projects Management – Kvarner Region Tourist Board Renata Vincek has worked in the…

Advanced Studies in Languages, Literature and Cultures, in the Literary Studies field. Post-Graduation in…

Mohammed Hamoud has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism and Archaeology at King Saud University (KSU)…

Prof. Vincenzo Russo Ph.D. is Full Professor of Consumer Psychology and Neuromarketing at IULM University…

Virginie Brégeon de Saint-Quentin is a professor of marketing and design for sustainable food systems and…

Peter Kozmus has been a beekeeper since 1994. In 2003 he was Secretary-General of the Apimondia 2003 Congress, which…

Silvia Anglada was born in Ciutadella in Menorca. As a child, she enjoyed playing around in the kitchen where…

Chef – Credo restaurant – Sustainability is a main concern in Sonakshi’s professional career, and…

Chef and owner – Nästgårds and Bua restaurants Johan’s career as a chef started 11 years ago alongside…

Named Scotland’s ‘Sustainable Chef of the Year 2022’ by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust in Scotland…

Dr. Fares A. Braizat is currently the Chairman of the Amman-based NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions…

Evarist March is CEO of Naturalwalks, and gastrobotanist and consultant at Michelin-starred restaurant El Celler de Can Roca…

Stéphane Méjanès is a gastronomic journalist, writer, and professor at the Faculty of Tourism, Culture and…

Sandra Simões is Innovation Advisor at the Hospitality and Tourism School of Coimbra and coordinator of Coimbra’s…

Daniel Montoya is CEO of Deltaic and Green Room Consulting. He is specialised in the transition to sustainable tourism…

Ralf Immens is an independent entrepreneur in creative activation and community management and owner of…

Kirsi Vartia is a Tourism specialist at Eastern Finland Rural Women’s Advisory Organization / ProAgria…

Ana Paula Sançana is technical responsible for the beekeeping at Lousamel Beekeepers Cooperative…

Quim Salort Galmés is cultural product technician at the Fundació Foment del Turisme de Menorca…

Dr. David Ocón is Assistant Professor at the School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University (SMU)…

May Britt Hansen is Project Manager of Bocuse d’Or Europe – Trondheim 2024 and coordinator of Trondheim-Trøndelag…

Ramon Sentmartí is Managing Director of PRODECA, a public company of the Government of Catalonia that…

Orazio Bellettini Cedeño is a social entrepreneur, co-founder and Executive Director of FUEGOS civil society…

François Dhalluin is Project manager within the Tourism Engineering and Attractiveness Mission – Region of Hauts…

Caius Ovidiu Merșa is Researcher at the Research Center for Cultural Anthropology (RHeA), West University of Timișoara…

Sandra Bergsnev is the CEO of Smaker fra Øyriket, and Project and Marketing Manager at DalPro Utvikling…

Yasmine Fofana is an IGCAT Expert from Côte d’Ivoire, Culinary Content Creator and Founder of AfroFoodie…

Morana Polovič is an IGCAT Expert and Tourism Professional with more than 25 years of experience. She holds a MA. Degree in…

Lamia Temimi’s journey is a testament to dedication, versatility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the tourism and hospitality…

Károly Szabó is a dedicated community builder, local patriot and believer in European values. I know that 1+1 equals 3; the team is…

Jens Storli is an independent freelance consultant specializing in the cultural and food sectors. For many years, Jens has played a…

Maia is the former Head of Georgian National Tourism Administration. After obtaining her BBA and MBA Degrees in Tourism and…

Yukako Saito is at the forefront of community-based education and sustainability efforts, bridging Europe and Japan. She currently holds…

Dr. George Papamichail is the Director of the Science and Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C) under the Foundation for Research and…

Robert Oliver is a New Zealand chef who was raised in Fiji and Samoa. He has developed restaurants in New York, Miami, Las Vegas…

Pepe Fassos, an Organic Farmer and Entrepreneur, was born and bred in the beautiful Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia. He…

Since its foundation in 2003, he has been the General Director of Alícia Foundation, the laboratory of responsible food, the first centre…

ora Smolčić Jurdana, PhD, Full Professor with Tenure,head of Institute of tourism at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality…

Sari Kaasinen is a musician, composer and lyricist. Doctor of music, teacher and artist, entrepreneur and cultural tourism expert…

Orientalist, culinary culture scholar, head of Food Studies at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, author of the…

Naomi Galea graduated with Distinction graduated Honours Bachelor’s degree in Communications (with English) after a four-year…

Luis Andrade Alcívar is a distinguished expert in the fields of tourism, sustainable development, and geotourism, with over 30 years of…

Dr. Cherise Addinsall is a Senior Research Fellow for Pacific Regenerative Agritourism with the University of the Sunshine Coast…

Mike Keen is a chef and adventurer based in the east of England, dedicated to exploring ancestral diets and their role…

Klaus Mager is a seasoned expert with over 40 years of experience in the food service industry across the United States, Europe…

Asuao Kirifi Pouono is an agricultural scientist with a DTA (Alafua), BSc (UCDavis) and an MPhil from the University of the…

Dr. Ilona has previous experience in public catering as a food and beverage buyer, and as a professional writer in print and online media…

Ros Rotanak, aka Chef Nak, was born in Phnom Penh in a foodie family. Her mother was a seller at a wet market where Chef…

Jerry Spooner from Vanuatu has over 20 ears experience in both the Private sector and Government. During his time in Government…

Moussa Thior is an accomplished educator and researcher with extensive expertise in African postcolonial studies, public…

Amalia Tzikou is an internal auditor for the South Aegean Region. With over 20 years of experience, she has also served as a food…

Dr. Luke Verstraten is a Lecturer in Environmental Science and Engineering at the University of the Sunshine Coast, he has…

Anu-Anette Varho is a Project Specialist, Interior Architect and Designer who has worked in a wide range of cultural projects…

Per Theodor Tørrissen is a trained chef with over twenty years of experience in the restaurant industry. He studied food and…