Stéphane Méjanès – France

Stéphane Méjanès – France

Stéphane Méjanès

Gastronomic journalist and writer
Professor – Faculty of Tourism, Culture and Hospitality (ESTHUA), University of Angers

A former sports journalist, Stéphane Méjanès fell into cooking after an unlikely encounter with top chefs in a forest in Lapland. Since 2012, he has been writing about gastronomy, in all its dimensions, for a sustainable food from seed to garbage. A freelance journalist, he contributes to various magazines and websites. He is the author of a pamphlet on gastronomic criticism, “Tailler une plume” (Éditions de l’Épure/2019), several books by chefs, prefaces and texts in collective works. He is also a professor at ESTHUA in Angers where he teaches a course in gastronomic criticism to Master 2 students. In 2020, he initiated the “Chefs avec les soignants” (chefs for nurses) movement with Guillaume Gomez and Tiptoque during the first lock-up in France, for which he received the La Liste solidarity prize in 2021. In a personal capacity, he received the Plume d’Or of the french journalist in the gastronomy category awarded by the Association Les Grandes Tables du Monde in 2019, and the Prix Amunategui-Curnonsky from the Association professionnelle des chroniqueurs et informateurs de la gastronomie et du vin in 2018. He became an IGCAT expert (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) in 2022.


3 February 2023