Silvia Anglada – Spain

Silvia Anglada

Silvia Anglada was born in Ciutadella in Menorca. As a child, she enjoyed playing around in the kitchen where, more than once, she ended up “over-browning” her food, forcing her family to eat everything with a slightly bitter taste, surrounded by a soft mist… and no, that was not liquid nitrogen! It was by then that her parents decided it was time to let her move to Barcelona to study (Menorca did not have a hospitality school back then). She had the honour of being part of the first class graduating from the Hofmann cooking school. It was precisely there where her interest for cuisine became a passion.

After training in several kitchens, Silvia and her partner, Toni Tarragó – also graduated at the Hofmann school – decided to open their own restaurant: En Tast de na Silvia. For 21 years, they have been working to recuperate traditional recipes, autochthonous plant and animal varieties and revalorise forgotten food heritage.

Her love for her land, Menorca, has been the main driving force of her efforts to obtain the Slow Food Km0 restaurant certificate (the only restaurant in the Balearic Islands to hold this acknowledgement), the Menorca Biosphere Reserve certification, and 4 stars as a Plastic Free Balearics restaurant. Through her restaurant, Silvia is constantly committed to contribute to a more sustainable island and support circular economy, as for example by sourcing 90% of her products locally.

On a personal level, she is proud of being an official ambassador of Menorca, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022.