Vasia Papailia – Greece

Vasia Papailia

Special Communications Advisor to the Governor – Region of South Aegean

Vasia Papailia is the Special Communications Advisor to the Governor of South Aegean, Greece. Her main fields at the Region are political communication, media and public relations and project management of key projects. Her wide experience includes working as Special Advisor to Members of the Hellenic Parliament and Ministers of the Greek Government, for the last ten years (2010-2019), with focus on political communication issues, parliamentary documentation and community engagement.

Before that, she worked for ten years in Communication Agencies in the fields of event management, project management of key clients and political marketing. She holds a degree in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Athens and an MSc in Media Management from the University of Stirling.

Since 2020, she is the project leader and coordinator of the Committee formed by the Local Government and the tourism stakeholders of South Aegean Region to safeguard and promote the destination’s reputation, during “the worst year in Tourism history”, according to UNWTO. She believes in the multiplicative effect of sharing synergies and that a good practice can be sown, if it falls on fertile ground.