Food Film Menu

Food Film Menu

IGCAT aims to raise awareness on food as cultural heritage and its vital role in encouraging and supporting local sustainable development in regions across the world.

IGCAT and the World/European Regions of Gastronomy aim to raise awareness about the importance of cultural and food uniqueness as a step towards averting climate change. In doing so, we aim to highlight distinctive food cultures thus strengthening community well-being.

We have identified the important role of audio-visual for promoting sustainable practises, local food products, local food recipes and traditions related to regional gastronomy and therefore we hope to promote a film competition that will:

  • Place a spotlight on regions from across the globe and their food heritage;
  • Provide opportunities to promote local food and craft products internationally;
  • Encourage young film directors to become ambassadors for their regions.
  • Engage the public in interesting ways to stimulate pride and awareness.

So what is the Food Film Menu?

It is a collection of short films showcasing footage about regions from across the globe under the theme: Food Stories. From the projects submitted, a jury will select up to 10 Best Films that will permanently form part of the Food Film Menu. Among them, a people’s choice vote on social media will then select the Public’s Favourite Film. The Food Film Menu will be published yearly on IGCAT’s website and on social media, highlighting each creative work and the culinary heritage story behind it.


For more information, please contact IGCAT’s secretariat at

The Food Film Menu 2024 is organised by IGCAT

Collaborating Film Festivals and Institutions:

FoodFilmFestival_Aarhus_Small      Girona Film Festival_Logo      EATSA-ATFF_Logo horizontal      Art & Tur_Logo       Amorgos Tourism Film Festival_Logo

Youth Palace Zugdidi_Logo       Famtàstic_Logo       Cineciok_Logo

Terres Festival_Logo       Chania Film Festival


“Film and video content are crucial for social impact. Visual media can engage and uplift communities by showcasing their people, culture, and especially their local cuisine. Food, inherently sensual and visually stunning, is particularly powerful on screen, enhancing emotional connections and communal spirit.”