Virginie Brégeon – France

Virginie Brégeon de Saint-Quentin

Professor – Institut Supérieur de Design de Saint-Malo
Associate Professor – Sciences Po Rennes and Ferrandi Paris

Virginie Brégeon de Saint-Quentin is a professor of marketing and design for sustainable food systems and tourism. She is associated in a cooperative and sustainable design school in Saint-Malo (Institut Supérieur de Design de Saint-Malo), associate professor at Sciences Po Rennes and Ferrandi Paris.

Her PhD thesis published in 2017 is entitled: “A culinary marketing and design mix for a delighted consumer. This thesis was rewarded of the Association for agro-economic research of AgroParisTech in 2018 and part of these works were published in her “Great book of culinary marketing”, by Dunod editions in 2019.

Born and raised in a Michelin Star restaurant in Brittany, Virginie married a fisherman from Saint-Malo with whom she created a small sustainable restaurant on the deck of the harbour (la Cabane à Manger) in 2020. Today, she is a food system designer acting for territories (Région Bretagne), entrepreneurs, and learning programs. Her mission is to preserve a traditional and creative food identity for Brittany at first, and any territory with similar challenges.


TedX conference: Le meilleur marketing culinaire est celui qui n’existe pas! – Virginie Bregeon de Saint-Quentin