Saimaa 2024 successfully hosts Regions of Gastronomy Platform Meeting

Saimaa 2024 successfully hosts Regions of Gastronomy Platform Meeting

The scenic Saimaa region, recognised as the European Region of Gastronomy 2024, recently welcomed over 30 representatives from the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts, and Tourism (IGCAT) and the World Regions of Gastronomy Platform spanning 16 different countries. During an intense week of knowledge exchange, education, and culinary exploration, the Platform meeting highlighted the unique blend of food, nature, and cultural heritage that makes Saimaa a standout gastronomic destination.

Hosted by the City of Joensuu at the Joensuu Art Museum, the 28th World Regions of Gastronomy meeting (9-13 September 2024) kicked off with a night of culture, arts, and regional delicacies, accompanied by the exquisite notes of pianist Janne Mertanen and a string quartet from the Joensuu City Orchestra.

Day 1: Local Food, Art, and Sustainability

Day 1 focused on local self-sufficiency practices at Valamo Monastery, where visitors learned about on-site food production and berry wine distillation, as well as on the Pohjoinen Saimaa (North Saimaa) tourism project. The latter provided insights into how the region is developing sustainable, year-round tourism, integrating local food and responsible travel experiences.

A visit to the Taitokortteli arts and crafts center sparked then discussions on regenerative tourism and the role of local food in minimizing tourism’s impact on local ecosystems. By promoting locally-sourced, sustainable food systems, regions can reduce the environmental impact of tourism while also providing visitors with a more authentic experience.

The day continued with a Karelian kitchen workshop led by Saimaa 2024 ambassadors Ulla Liukkonen and Anni Korhonen and a session on Finnish sauna traditions, profoundly linked to health and local gastronomy. Finally, attendees took part in a traditional dinner hosted by the Regional Council of North Karelia at Utran Uittotupa, offering participants a taste of regional cuisine and culture.

Day 2: Fishing Traditions and Food Education

On the second day, participants explored the local fishing heritage at Ruokke Holiday Village in Kitee, learning about the environmentally friendly seine fishing technique used to catch vendace, a prized local fish species. Discussions emphasized the importance of educating consumers about local fish varieties and promoting biodiversity-friendly and healthy eating habits.

In Kitee, the group also got to know the work of Nordic Freeze Dry, a company that preserves the region’s wild berries through freeze-drying, that allows to prolong the berries shelf life while preserving all their properties and health benefits. At the same time, they heard about commendable initiatives such as D.O. Saimaa, that protects and promotes local food products, as well as other best practices from different World and European Regions of Gastronomy.

When visiting the historic Olavinlinna Castle, home to the renowned Savonlinna Opera Festival, Platform members appreciated how local food is integrated into seasonal menus, blending food, culture, and history in a unique and surprising combination. They also had the chance to learn about the Normal drinks and our everyday bread exhibition organised by Lappeenranta Art Museum focused on the representation of food and drinks in Finnish visual arts throughout history. During the group discussion the need was recognised to use arts and culture to stimulate more debate on our food future.

As a perfect conclusion, Platform members enjoyed the Ode to Lake Saimaa menu, masterfully prepared with local ingredients by young chef Matias Roisko at restaurant Wanha Kasino, and hosted by Savonlinna Opera Festivals. Accompanied by an astonishing opera singing performance, the dinner also offered the opportunity to hear about the Saimaa to your plate project, aimed at giving visibility to local food and strengthening Savonlinna as a food tourism destination.

Day 3: Wild Ingredients and Culinary Innovation

Cruising the pristine waters of Lake Saimaa on M/S Elviira, on 12 September the group explored the region’s abundant wild vegetables, berries, and mushrooms with Taste Saimaa partners Villiyrttikioski, Arctic Natural Products, Maaseutuyhdistys Sydänlanka ry. All of them develop innovative and surprising food products starting from the ingredients that the forest provides. The day’s activities included a mushroom foraging experience led by Saimaa 2024 ambassador Saimi Hoyer, showcasing the region’s rich natural offerings.

Surrounded by the amazing lake views of Pistohiekka Resort in Puumala, the group then met with representatives from Visit Puumala and D.O. Saimaa to learn how local food is increasingly integrated in the local tourist offer. Several World and European Regions of Gastronomy also shared their best practices in food education, highlighting the importance of lifelong learning to ensure a more sustainable food future.

Finally, Platform members joined several stakeholders from Saimaa, European Region of Gastronomy 2024 at the Sahanlahti Resort Oy & Finnjävel dinner hosted by Saimaa 2024 ambassador, Timo “Lintsi” Linnamäki. This joint culinary journey took them across Saimaa’s traditional flavours, reinterpreted in a modern key.

Day 4: Water Sustainability and Blue Economy

The final day focused on water sustainability, with insights from the Blue Economy Mikkeli center of excellence, which offers training and services to support sustainable water use. Participants learned about Mikkeli Water Week, aimed at educating on the importance of water and its sustainable management, and were involved in a water tasting session hosted by Olo Center.

The Platform meeting concluded with a seasonal meal at Kenkävero, featuring local autumnal ingredients and marking the end of an inspiring week that celebrated Saimaa’s unique blend of food, nature, and culture.

A Week of Learning and Exchange

Members of IGCAT and the World Regions of Gastronomy Platform left the meeting with a deeper understanding of how Saimaa is positioning itself as a leader in sustainable gastronomy and tourism. The event showcased not only the region’s rich culinary traditions but also its commitment to sustainability, innovation, and cultural preservation. Moreover, it offered the opportunity to share best practices across the Regions of Gastronomy, sparking future projects and collaborations.

About the World/European Regions of Gastronomy

World/European Regions of Gastronomy, guided by IGCAT, are working together to strengthen food security through the celebration of distinctive food cultures; create employment by stimulating creativity and gastronomic innovation; nourish children and adults through culinary and cultural education; driving environmental sustainability in tourism, hospitality and agricultural sectors; supporting balance and sustainable tourism practices; highlighting and supporting expertise from within rural and urban communities, creating connections and sharing good practices; and contributing to community health and well-being.


IGCAT aims to empower local communities by raising awareness of the importance of protecting and promoting distinct regional food, culture, arts and natural assets as part of sustainable and balanced tourism and development strategies. This is essential to safeguarding our planet, health, wellness and local economies.

IGCAT is a non-profit institute established in 2012, working with regional stakeholder consortiums in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. It counts on the expertise of a worldwide network of experts and works in partnership with specialised intergovernmental organisations.

IGCAT founded the World/European Region of Gastronomy Award and is the official secretariat for the World/European Regions of Gastronomy Platforms. Furthermore, the Institute has developed the European Young Chef Award, the World Food Gift Challenge, the Top Websites for Foodie Travelers Award and the international Food Film Menu.

16 September 2024