Food Film Menu

Food Film Menu 2022

Public’s Favourite Film from the Awarded European Regions of Gastronomy

Public’s Favourite Film from Nominated and Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy

Winner of the category:
Food-related Visitor Experiences
from the Regions of Gastronomy

Welcome to the Farm / Les Cabres d’en Peyu


Short film from Catalonia, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2016

Welcome to the Farm is the proposal to visit those producers in Catalonia who open the doors of their home to share their work in the field, pasture, farm or workshops. It is the way to show where is born everything we eat and who is behind the food that comes to our tables. An opportunity to get closer to the farms and fill the pantry by buying directly from the producer.


Gastronomy Area of Prodeca, Prodeca, Promoting Catalan Food – Government of Catalonia (

Karavan Films (




Winner of the category:
Nominated/Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy
MENA Region

Let’s Go to Aseer


Short film from Aseer, World Region of Gastronomy candidate 2024

This short film focuses on Aseer region and shows its beautiful nature and magical culture, as well as the generosity of its people. Showing the variety of the fun and entertaining activities around the area.


Project Manager:
Nora Al Rayes Production | @qomrapro

Executive producer:

Account manager:





Production manager:

Production assistant:

Cast manager:

Art director:



1st Ac:




2nd Public’s Favourite Film from the Awarded European Regions of Gastronomy

2nd Public’s Favourite Film from Nominated and Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy

Winner of the category:
European Young Chefs



Short film from South Aegean, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2019

Lakani is the presentation video of young chef Andreas Dermatis who represented South Aegean, European Region of Gastronomy 2019 and won 2nd Prize at the European Young Chef Award 2021 competition in Braga, Portugal. This short film aims to pay tribute to the agricultural and cultural wealth of the South Aegean Region and the island of Rhodes, that the contestant brilliantly reflected in his competition dish. In these 4 minutes you can see part of the customs, culture and gastronomic tradition of the place and how it is generously transferred from generation to generation, in a modern dish based on the evolution of sustainability, the promotion of the place and local products, together with need to create a bridge between the past and the future.



It’s all in the name: Fuse a team up of people who blend their passion for the arts through film as their medium. It’s the stories we tell that make sense of the world, creating beautiful images with motion is for us the greatest goal we could ever strive to achieve

DP & Editor:
Zoran Gajic

The guiding hand of Fuse. Our D.P and Editor with his Technical, cinematic and experimental narrative Zoran gives our videos and films the artistic and practical gravitas they need to come alive. Born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia, Zoran became passionate about cinematic structure, narration and sound at a very early age.The “calm force” before, during and after each shoot. If he puts his mind into it, he delivers.

Director & Writer:
Savvas Manousakis

Contrary to his other half in Fuse, Savvas is a fast talker, the words coming out as quickly as the ideas pop into his head, a hypochondriac when it comes to details “affectionately” named the annoying eye that bothers with all the tiny details. Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada and raised in Rhodes and Athens, Greece Savva showed his love for the arts in an early age through his passion for design and painting. His involvement in film came at a later age after working for many year as an art director… He finally decided to follow his dream to create films after his involvement in theatre as as creative director.

Winner of the category:
Nominated/Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy – CAUCASUS

The Kingdom of Milk and the Sun


Short film from Zugdidi-Sagremelo, Potential World Region of Gastronomy

The film tells about the impressions of two girls who are friends and came to Zugdidi for the first time. Salome is Niko’s girlfriend and Niko has invited her on Vlakernoba – a fest of Vlacherna, Vlakernoba is celebrated once a year, on July 15, when the Virgin Mary’s Robe (The Honorable Tunic of All-holy Theotokos) is taken to the cathedral from the storage of Dadiani Palaces history-architectural museum. On this day, a number of pilgrims, not only from Georgia, but the whole world gather to attend this great holiday. Niko invited the girls to “Château Chkaduache” which belongs to the prince Murat, descendants of Mingrelian noble family Dadiani. They tasted the masterpieces of Mingrelian gastronomy such as Gebzhalia, Elarji, cheese dumplings, “Bebos Kvari”, cheese variety (Mingrelian suluguni, smoked suluguni) and Mingrelian Guda cheese preserved by the shepherds of Samegrelo. Salome is a philologist and a teacher. While reviewing episodes of “The tale of the Argonauts” By Apollonius of Rhodes with his students, he “rediscovered” and realized the secret of the special beauty of the “tastes” of modern Samegrelo, the successor of ancient Colchis.


Inga Akhalaia, student of the educational programme Reporting in Journalism of Shota Meskhia State Teaching University of Zugdidi

Director and Producer:
Saba Janjghava

Key cast:
Eto Almasia
Salome Kvatidze
Niko Kvaratskhelia

3rd Public’s Favourite Film from the Awarded European Regions of Gastronomy

3rd Public’s Favourite Film from Nominated and Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy

Winner of the category:
Food Gifts from the Regions of Gastronomy

A Million Food Stories


Short film from Coimbra Region, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2021-22

Part of a series of 8 thematic documentaries of 3 minutes each that show us the richness and diversity of the gastronomy of the Coimbra Region. Themes: the Chefs Ambassadors, the Honey with Protected Designation of Origin, the Cheese with Protected Designation of Origin, the wine heritage, the beer heritage, the Xávega Art (trawl fishing), the new gastronomic trends, the preservation of the gastronomic heritage.


Tiago Cerveira


CIM Região de Coimbra

TIAGO CERVEIRA has a degree in Social Communication. He was a journalist, as an image reporter, for five years and is currently a freelancer in the area of video and photography.
Born in the village Travanca de Lagos, in Oliveira do Hospital, he has been trying to document the immaterial and material heritage of rural Portugal, in the project “O Meio e a Gente”.
Director of several nature and rural culture documentaries exhibited and awarded in national and international film festivals.
He has shown his work in several collective and individual exhibitions.
He has several publications in national and international media.

Winner of the category:
Nominated/Candidate World Regions of Gastronomy – EUROPE

Saimaa European Region of Gastronomy Candidate 2024
Jury Visit – Part 2


Short film from Saimaa, European Region of Gastronomy candidate 2024

One of a series of three short videos that were filmed during the European Region of Gastronomy Jury Visit in the Saimaa Region, 20-22 June 2022. We took our international guests on a journey to meet the hospitable people of our villages and cities and to experience the pristine waters and forests of our region. The route was specially designed to highlights our diverse destinations and unique experiences, responsible and resourceful producers, tastes of the pure seasonal ingredients, traditions, wild chefs, and local arts. Our beloved Lake Saimaa treated us with sunny and warm weathers and nightless night throughout the journey.


Saimaa European Region of Gastronomy Management Project

Project director:
Sari Kaasinen

Project specialist:
Anu-Anette Varho

Harri Säynevirta – Säynevirta Prhotography

Winner of the category:
European Regions of Gastronomy

Home of Nordic Flavours


Short film from Trondheim-Trøndelag, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022

In the region of Trøndelag nature is a force to be reckoned with. Known for attacking with all four seasons at once, it’s hard to believe this could be a prime location for first class produce.

Narrator Paul Ottar Haga, born in Trøndelag and loved by all of Norway, explains how the region’s food journey started with two geological coincidences: the latest Ice Age and the crashing of continental plates, 400 million years ago. Events that shaped the ground and soil, waters and mountains, making rarely perfect conditions for agriculture, marine life and species in the heights.

At the beating heart of the region are hard working people with passion for produce and product. In the region’s largest city, Trondheim, their dedication is rewarded. Not only by the smiles of full stomached foodies, but also by several Michelin Stars between the restaurants. Giving testament to how nature’s own coincidences inspired stamina in an entire people, thus creating the Home of Nordic Flavours.


Talon Darren Winsnes

Knut Guttorm Jermstad

Lasse Berre
Morten Warholm Haugen
Maria Tilset

Key cast:
Paul Ottar Haga

Talon Darren Winsnes
Eirikur Bjørnsson
Marius Brevik

Talon Darren Winsnes
Morten Warholm Haugen

Winner of the category:
Young Farmers and Fishermen

Sa Caseta de Vorera


Short film from Menorca, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022

Francina and Joan, two young Menorcans, want to make their way into adult life doing what they like most, cooking and fishing. Francina’s dream is to become a small-scale fisherman. She loves the sea and the marine species they inhabit, while Joan wants to open his own restaurant and turn it into a reference point for Menorcan cuisine using organic products grown on the family’s land. Through their love of the sea and cooking, Joan and Francina create a friendship that will last through time.


Gilbert Gonzalez Valdivia

Gilbert Gonzalez Valdivia
Laura Tresserras

Laura Tresserras
Gilbert Gonzalez Valdivia

Ivan Tomás

Sound designer:
Josep Sarquella

Laura Tresserras

Winner of the category:
New Food Trends

The Wild Farmer


Short film from Trondheim-Trøndelag, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022

In ‘The Wildfarmer’, we follow JIM ANDRÉ STENE, on his scavenger hunt in the Norwegian wilderness. Mr. Stene (‘The Wildfarmer’) invites the audience into a world of wonders, as he tells the story of how he is making a living out of gathering wild ingredients for restaurants all over Norway.

First off, we meet The Wildfarmer in a Norwegian fjord, where he is foraging truffle seaweed. Here, he demonstrates his emotional connection to nature, explaining how small he feels, facing these wild forces. He goes on by sharing his passion for treating nature right, and his belief in sustainable harvesting.

In the second segment of the film, Mr. Stene takes the audience to his laboratory. We get a glimpse of the time and meticulous efforts that goes into understanding the wealth of species that surround us naturally, and their immense potential in the culinary arts.

Finally, The Wildfarmer arrives at Michelin star restaurant, FAGN, for delivery. He praises the talented chefs that carefully transforms his yields into spectacular sustainable masterpieces. Mr. Stene leaves us by underlining his gratitude for being allowed to help bring these wonders to life, with his contribution to the Nordic cuisine.


Esten Hoffmann

Mathias Johansen

Esten Hoffmann

Production Coordinator:
Mathias Johansen

Winner of the category:
Environment, Sustainability and Food

Little Green Secrets of the Locals


Short film from Slovenia, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2021-22

Little green secrets of the locals is a series of 10 promotional videos that humorously highlight a tourists (and locals) should behave in Izola to respect sustainable practices. A couple visiting Izola find themselves in 10 different situations where they are unsure how to behave appropriately. The locals come to the couple’s rescue and, in addition to practical advice, show them the best green and blue experiences. In that way, we also promote the natural and cultural treasures of Izola.

Our aim was to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental care through the most exciting tourism products. In addition, we wanted to inform guests about appropriate behaviour, give them tips on how to spend their free time in Izola and, last but not least, make everyone laugh. We believe that laughter is extremely important in the post-covid period.


Peter Kleva

Writer & Producer:
Luca Stan i Kodarin

Our Jury

The category winners of the Food Film Menu 2022 have been selected by an international jury of experts:

Mai Damgaard Rasmussen

Mai Damgaard


Robert Ngoun

Robert Ngoun

Cameroon / France

Raúl Torres

Raúl Torres


The Food Film Menu 2022 is organised by IGCAT

Collaborating Film Festivals and Institutions:

FoodFilmFestival_Aarhus_Small      Girona Film Festival_Logo      EATSA-ATFF_Logo horizontal      Art & Tur_Logo       Amorgos Tourism Film Festival_Logo

FICME_Logo_Website_Small      Youth Palace Zugdidi_Logo