2017 European Region of Gastronomy Award Holders in Milan

2017 European Region of Gastronomy Award Holders in Milan

The International Travel Fair, known as Bit (Borsa Internazionale del Turismo) is an event that brings together trade operators from all over the world, a large audience of visitors, travel lovers, television reporters and press. This year, this important international meeting point will take place from 11 to 13 February 2016. Thanks to the work and organizational effort of the University of Bergamo, partner of the East Lombardy region, and of Roberta Garibaldi, member of IGCAT’s board of experts and scientific director of East Lombardy’s European Region of Gastronomy project, the three regions that have been awarded with the title for 2017 will take part to the International Fair. On the morning of Friday 12 a conference will take place on the themes of food and tourism, during which Roberta Garibaldi, Pelle Oby Andersen and Anna Blaua will describe how the project is being implemented in the regions they represent – respectively East Lombardy, Aarhus/central Denmark and Riga-Gauja. This will be a very important occasion to internationally promote the project, and to encourage an ever increasing global effort for the integration of tourism and gastronomy, that is vital to the conservation of food cultures as well as to the stimulation of gastronomic innovation. In addition to this, it will be a great opportunity to compare experiences and knowledge with other re-known experts of food&wine tourism, as the conference will see the participation also of delegates of the Slow Food movement, the Langhe-Roero and Monferrato area – whose vineyard landscapes have become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015 – and the city of Parma – proclaimed by UNESCO a “Creative City for Gastronomy” at the end of 2015.

Find more information about the programme here

For more information about the BIT (Borsa Internazionale del Turismo), please visit http://bit.fieramilano.it/en/content/homepage

8 February 2016