ON-IT 2021 year-in-review: achievements and steps forward

With the aim to investigate the potential of online internships in higher education, the ON-IT – Online Internship in Tourism project kicked off in March 2021, opening a first year rich in activities, challenges and accomplishments.

The ON-IT project was thus devised to try and tackle the lack of established tools to implement successful online internships and to develop a guidance framework for quality virtual work-based learning experiences.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ project of the European Union, the project gathers 7 partners from all over Europe, committed to explore the challenges and opportunities of remote work-based learning: the University of Macerata (Lead Partner, Italy); the University of La Laguna (Spain); JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland); Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the University of Rijeka (Croatia); Montpellier Business School (France); Mediterranean Universities Union – UNIMED (Italy); and IGCAT (Spain).

Read full article ON-IT 2021 year-in-review: achievements and steps forward at: on-it.info