International Wine Tourism Conference 2016

The 8th International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC) will take place in Catalonia on 5 and 6 April as a part of its Gastronomy and Wine Tourism year and its year as a holder of the European Region of Gastronomy award with the support of the Catalan Tourist Board and the Diputació de Barcelona and will be held by the Hotel Barcelona Golf in Sant Esteve Sesrovires (40 kilometers from Barcelona).

The two days seminar will offer over 30 conversations, presentations, roundtables and workshops by international experts. In addition, on 7 April the Conference will held a workhsop for tour operators that are related to this field.

If you want to attend the conference you can find the registration form here:

For further information about the International Wine Tourism Conference visit or contact  the organization by email

The European Region of Gastronomy Platform and Award are projects conceived by IGCAT that aim to contribute to better quality of life in European regions, by highlighting distinctive food cultures, educating for better health and sustainability and stimulating gastronomic innovation. For more information, please visit