IGCAT Director visits the Committee of the Regions

Diane Dodd, IGCAT’s Director visited the Committee of the Regions’ offices in Brussels on Thursday 19th February 2015 in order to raise awareness and develop relations on behalf of the European Region of Gastronomy Platform.  Meetings were held with Doru Hobjila, administrator for SEDEC – the newly formed (previously EDUC) Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture which works in the following areas:


• Employment Policy
• Social Policy, Social Protection
• Mobility
• Equal Opportunities
• Education and Training
• Innovation, Research and Technology
• Digital Agenda
• EU Information Society, including Trans-European ICT Networks
• Audio-visual Industry and Media Technologies
• Youth and Sport
• Multilingualism and promotion of minority languages
• Culture and cultural diversity

Diane Dodd also met Marc Kiwitt, the administrator for the European Entrepreneurial Region as well as administrators for Cross-border Cooperation and EGTC  (European Grouping of territorial Cooperation).