Foodie holidays proving popular with young travellers

A new survey has shown that over 40 per cent of travellers aged 18-34 have chosen a holiday destination specifically because they wanted to try a certain type of food – a figure in stark contrast with the over-65s, of whom only 11 per cent let their stomachs do the decision-making. The YourSayPays survey was carried out by holiday finance experts International Currency Exchange (ICE), and looked into how different people’s attitudes toward foreign food abroad can differ according to generation. The report found that of the youngest group, aged 18-34, over a quarter admitted that food was the only thing they considered when booking a holiday abroad, while a further 38 per cent hold it as a key consideration. Conversely, young people are also the most likely to avoid a region because of the food – accounting for nearly half of all respondents aged 18-24, and 38 per cent of those aged 25-34, with these numbers consistently dropping as ages rose… READ MORE