Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe – Experts’ Meeting

Experts working on the evaluation of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe have been invited to a joint-working-meeting at the European Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg. It is an opportunity for the experts to meet Stefano Dominioni, the new Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes and Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
Eleonora Berti, the Council of Europe Cultural Routes Project Coordinator, moderates the sessions with international experts Diane Dodd from IGCAT, Ann-Margret Hauknes, Dominique Niset, Pierre Frustier, Jordi Tresseras, Claudia Constantinescu, Sara Terzic and Giuseppe Settanni.

This year, Dr. Diane Dodd from IGCAT was asked to evaluate IterVitis which is a cultural route illustrative of European memory, history and heritage, with origins in the role of agricultural landscape linked to wine production. The Iter Vitis Cultural Route highlights heritage, food, customs and traditions of European citizens from the Atlantic to the Caucasus, and from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, representing the diversity of European identity across 18 countries. The link with wine landscapes worldwide makes this a very interesting cultural route for the Council of Europe to support.

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