Call for papers: « Anatomy of Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship »

Little attention, if any, has been paid to one of the most recent “branches” of entrepreneurship: cultural and creative entrepreneurship. Sometimes, correctly or wrongly confused with social entrepreneurship, creative and cultural entrepreneurship has emerged as an independent research field in the last decades.

From the pioneering article by Paul DiMaggio in 1982, cultural and creative entrepreneurship as a research and teaching field has developed significantly in the last thirty years. In the Netherlands, and in many parts of continental Europe, in North America and Australia, cultural and creative entrepreneurship has flourished and degrees or specific courses are now part of the regular educational offerings by arts, social sciences and business faculties.

This special issue seeks to identify the epistemological development of cultural and creative entrepreneurship over time. More specifically, the objective is to detect the paradigmatic shifts in this field, to gain an understanding of its evolution, trajectory changes, present state and possible future developments.

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