Irish Tourism Industry to Create 8,000 Jobs in 2015, Generating Billions in Revenue

2015 looks set to be a bumper year for Irish tourism, generating “record levels of revenue” and creating around 8,000 more jobs, according to Failte Ireland. Dublin is to be rebranded as a city and the East/South area of the country will also be remarketed as a heritage destination, focusing on Newgrange, the Medieval city of Kilkenny and the Viking heritage of Waterford. Ireland’s value for money rating has doubled since 2009, with nine out of ten holidaymakers expressing satisfaction. However Mr Cawley warned tourism operators that Ireland needs to remain competitive and urged them to think of the big picture when it comes to pricing. He said it was far easier to bring satisfied customers back rather than having to launch a new marketing campaign trying to bring back customers who felt that Ireland did not represent good value for money…READ MORE