IGCAT´s Director, recognized as an Ambassador by the Catalan Tourism Board for its "Ambassadors Program" project

IGCAT’s Director, Diane Dodd, has been recognized as an Ambassador by the Agència Catalana de Turisme (Catalan Tourism Board) for its new « Ambassadors Program », promoted through the Catalan Convention Bureau (CCB). An exclusive meeting took place 23 October 2014 in Sant Cugat del Vallès  with others identified as having an important role in developing the food, gastronomy and cultural profile of Catalonia from the Province of Barcelona. The Ambassadors programme will extend across Catalonia and endeavours to promote Catalonia as a destination for large and small international meetings and events.

Patrick Torrent, the Executive Director of the Catalan Tourism Board, noted the exceptional work that IGCAT and other organisations are doing to support the cultural and gastronomic image of Catalonia and expressed his desire to see these organisations meet as a network regularly. Sonia Serracarbassa, Director of the Catalonia Convention Bureau (CCB)  noted the facilities available across Catalonia to host events and explained the tools available with which they could help develop events in the future.