ON-IT 2022 year-in-review: looking back, moving forward

A successful second year is about to conclude for the ON-IT – Online Internship in Tourism project that has taken important further steps in the definition of a guidance framework for quality virtual work-based learning experiences.

2022 marked a lot of achievements for the ON-IT consortium. In April its 3rd coordination meeting was held, hosted by the University of Macerata. At the meeting the consortium approved the ON-IT Guidelines (the second main output of the project, after the ON-IT report on Experiences of Virtual Internship in Europe issued in 2021) that were published soon after on Zenodo and the project’s website.

Based on the Guidelines, the consortium developed the ON-IT protocol for online and hybrid internships in universities that was presented at the ON-IT webinar on The Challenge of Remote Working in Tourism: Reflections for Virtual Internships in Higher Education, organised by the University of La Laguna on 13 October 2022 in the framework of the annual celebration of the Erasmus Days.

At the same time, as part of its learning resources, the ON-IT partners started to develop an online course to support university students in succeeding in their online internships. The course will be provided in all the different languages of the consortium and will include useful learning and self-assessment tools for students to develop crucial skills for effective online internships.

Read full original article ON-IT 2022 year-in-review: looking back, moving forward at on-it.info