World Tourism Day 2021: inclusive growth at the centre of tourism’s restart

Global tourism has reaffirmed its commitment to making the sector a pillar of inclusive growth. At the official World Tourism Day 2021 celebrations in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, political and business leaders united behind a common message of solidarity and determination to ‘leave nobody behind’ as tourism restarts and grows back.

Ministers and experts explored how the pledge to drive inclusive growth can be achieved. The importance of innovation, targeted investments and of strengthened collaboration between public and private sectors was made clear. The speakers also underscored the need for inclusive policymaking as tourism slowly returns and looks to the future.

Opening the day, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stressed the sector’s “commitment to inclusive growth so that tourism’s restart brings hope for millions worldwide and ensures that everyone who has a stake in tourism also has a say in its future”.

Read full World Tourism Day 2021: inclusive growth at the centre of tourism’s restart article at:

Photo credit: UNWTO