The European Sweets Itineraries are ready for the students

The second European Sweets Itineraries platform meeting was held in Lisbon on the 6 and 7 September 2016. The platform partners presented itineraries that will take place in Italy, Portugal and Spain that will be tested by students from Latvia. The aim of these itineraries is to teach students from VET schools how to organize their travel itinerary, put them in contact with international sweets producers, and to have a positive experience abroad with other students and professionals from the Tourism, Gastronomy and Hospitality sector. IGCAT is carrying out part of the Spanish itinerary alongside with la Comunidad de Madrid. IGCAT has set out the tour experience for Catalonia, where the students will have the opportunity to meet local sweets producers, stay in hospitality schools and participate in workshops and tastings in Tossa de Mar, Sant Pol de Mar, Sant Andreu de Llavaneres and Barcelona. After these tours take place, a final meeting will be held in Madrid to evaluate the experience and the quality of the sweets itineraries in order to be used as a future model for other VET school trips.

About the European Sweets Itinerary:

The European Sweets Itinerary project is developing a tourism and hospitality itinerary matching the needs of tourism and catering students across Europe. For more information, visit 


IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) is an international interdisciplinary network of experts aiming to empower and facilitate local communities to realise the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts, sustainable tourism and other local resources.