Peter W. Astrup – Denmark

Peter W. Astrup

Centre Manager, Test and Development Centre for Welfare Technology

Peter is a long-time member of the European Region of Gastronomy network and former advisor in the Central Denmark Region Food team. He has been project leader and developer for several business-development initiatives and international projects related to gastronomy, tourism, food business and health. Peter has published several articles and books on the subject of implementation, dissemination and transforming great local solutions to system-wide solutions.

Today, Peter is the manager of a Centre that bridges private enterprise within healthcare and food with public bodies (municipalities and hospitals). Peter is still heavily engaged in the food business area through his own company Absurt, where he produces Tonic syrups for the market in Denmark and northern Germany. Peter has a master’s degree in history and political science from Aarhus University.

Reach out to Peter for advice and collaboration on subjects such as: public-private collaboration, project development, spreading initiatives from one context to another, and collaboration within the health and food sectors.