Cáit Noone – Ireland

Cáit Noone

Head of Galway International Hotel School – Atlantic Technological University

Atlantic Technological University is a multi-campus higher education University located on the west-northwest coast of Ireland.

Cáit is an internationally experienced educator and has worked in the UK, Switzerland and China. She joined GMIT in 2007 and has held several positions since then. Cáit works across several collaborate committees including university integration, faculty formation, and EDI.

Cáit is a Fellow of the Irish Hospitality Institute (IHI) and is Vice President at Galway Chamber of Commerce. She has collaborated on several regional and national committees including the National Athena Swan Committee, the Galway European Capital of Culture Steering Committee, and the Galway European Region of Gastronomy Executive. She is also the higher education representative for THEA at the National Careers Oversight Group for the Tourism industry and is an expert member of IGCAT –Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism, since 2019, based in Catalonia.