Menorca presents bid to be European Region of Gastronomy 2022

Menorca, European Region of Gastronomy candidate 2022 officially presented their bid to the public in the presence of Alin-Adrian Nica, First Vice-Chairman of the SEDEC Commission, European Committee of the Regions.

Anna Ferrer opened the candidate’s bid with too delightful songs that successfully transported the audience musically from rainy Brussels to sunny Menorca. Miquel Company Pons, Councillor for Economy, Region Government of Menorca gave the opening words and set the scene, explaining how Menorca has been sculptured through the Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, French, English and Spanish providing a rich cultural diversity and that Menorcans are priviledged to live in a Biosphere Reserve declared by UNESCO in 1993 and as such the candidature contemplated hopes to place Menorca as leaders in renewable energy and conservation of heritage and landscape.

Renowned gastronomy author, Borja Beneyto Matoses coordinated the bid book process that the jury complimented him on. The bid book has been an exploratory journey to identify the culinary wealth of the island and a consensus agreement between stakeholders on how best to go forward to prepare for the Award year and the legacy thereafter.

The jury comprising of Ariadna Ribas, from Catalonia Awarded 2016 (an expert on Wine and food tourism and also on cultural tourism), Jacinta Dalton from Galway- West of Ireland Awarded 2018 (an expert on hospitality, culinary arts and education) and Janez Bogataj  from Slovenia, Awarded 2021 (a food writer and research), then asked questions related to stakeholder involvement and projects to support innovation and youth embracement of traditional gastronomy.

The closing words were provided by Susana Mora Humbert, President of the Regional Government of Menorca and she concluded that Menorca hopes to learn from and work with the European Region of Gastronomy Platform,  who have already achieved success in promoting culinary and cultural diversity.

A delicious tasting of local recipes took place thanks to the students from IES M. Àngels Cardona and led by lecturers Cati Zornoza, Felip Llufriu and Joan Capó.

The bids took place in Brussels, during the European Week of Regions and Cities, following a round table organised by IGCAT on Greener and Healthier Futures. The whole event was co-chaired by Dr. Diane Dodd, President and Dr. Edith Szivas, Vice-President of IGCAT.

The jury is now set to visit Menorca 27-30 November when they will have the chance to meet stakeholder and study in detail whether Menorca will be ready to host the Award in 2022.

About the European Region of Gastronomy     

Candidate and awarded Regions of Gastronomy from Europe, guided by IGCAT, are working together to raise awareness about the importance of their cultural and food uniqueness; stimulate creativity and gastronomic innovation; educate for better nutrition; improve sustainable tourism standards; highlight distinctive food cultures; and strengthen community well-being.


IGCAT aims to empower local communities by raising awareness of the importance to safeguard and promote distinct food, culture, arts and sustainable tourism assets. This is essential to balance against globalised food trends that are impacting on our planet, health and local economies.

IGCAT is a non-profit institute established in 2012, working with regional stakeholder consortiums in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. It counts on the expertise of a worldwide network of experts and works in partnership with specialised intergovernmental organisations.

IGCAT provides the Region of Gastronomy Award and is the official secretariat for the European Region of Gastronomy Platform. Furthermore, the Institute has developed the European Young Chef Award the Local Food Gift Challenge, the Top Visitor Experience and the Food Film Menu.