Food Film Menu

Food Film Menu 2023

– 1st Prize –

Winner of the category:
Educating for Our Future

Harvesting Memories
“A delightfully narrated film showing the wild beauty of North Karelia. The storytelling made by a child gives special magic to the charming images.”
Lluís Valentí, Spain

Short film from Saimaa, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2024

Step into the world of a 10-year-old Finnish girl as she takes us through her precious day. From gathering wild treasures of mushrooms and berries to learning the art of bread-making, she shares her family’s culinary traditions. Through her eyes, we witness the seamless passage of these traditions, where food and nature intertwine.


Original title: Harvesting Memories
Production date: August 2023

Visit Karelia

Producer / Writer:
Minna Rautiainen-Cimrin

Director / Writer / Cinematographer / Editor:
Ukko Torni

Olavi Kuokkanen

Sari Kaasinen

– 2nd Prize –

Winner of the category:
World Region of Gastronomy

 Latitude Iche Route: A Journey Through the Flavors of Manabí
“A film that transmits love and respect for the land,
showing us the changing landscapes and people connected to them along the route Latitud Iche.”
Mai Damgaard Rasmussen, Denmark

Short film from Manabí, World Region of Gastronomy candidate 2026 (Ecuador)

This journey is more than a gastronomic tour; it is a voyage into Manabí’s identity, tradition, and culture. With a blend of tradition and innovation, the Latitude Iche Route is an invitation to explore the flavours, aromas, and techniques that make this region a unique culinary destination. As part of an integrated gastronomic ecosystem, this route promotes sustainability, local development, and culinary excellence, elevating Ecuador’s Manabí gastronomy to the global stage.


Original title: Ruta Latitud Iche: Una travesía por los sabores de Manabí
Production date: November 2022

Juanka Castillo

Executive Producer:
Orazio Belletini

Cinema Film Producer:
David Gil

Camera Operator:
Christian Benavides

Juan Diego Castillo

Juanka Castillo

Christian Benavides

David Gil
Christian Benavides
Juanka Castillo

– 3rd Prize –

Winner of the category:
Health and Well-being

Catalonia Is Appetising

“What a lineup!
Amazing cast showing the importance of
connection, heart, health, landscapes,
friends and family.”
Mai Damgaard Rasmussen, Denmark

Short film from Catalonia, World Region of Gastronomy awarded 2025

“It is in breaks that innovation grows. Stop, think, plan. And then produce.”
This phrase by Ferran Adrià will guide Maria, Núria, Cesc and Marc on their journey/reunion in Catalonia, the land that saw them grow emotionally and culinarily. To know where you are going, you have to know where you are coming from, and in Catalonia they will experience the tastiest break of their lives. Join them!


Original title: Catalunya ve de gust
Production date: September 2022

Key cast:
Núria Florensa (Maria)
Silvia Maya (Núria)
Marcel Puig (Marc)
Uri Callau (Cesc)

Blai Graell

Original idea:
McCann Creative

Laura Marco
Ana Brossa

Gerard Jaurena

Art Director:
Denisse Guidi
Account team:
Alba Cristòbal
Laia Inés

A production of:
Craft i Sr. Alce Films

Executive Producers:
Marta Medall
Mikel Ayesta
Elisabet Tripiana

Producing Chief:
Josep Pi

Jordi Peñalver
Paco Muñoz
Emilie Lepot

Director’s assistant:
Marta Castellà

Photography director:
Roger Llonch

Tim Adorf

Natalia Vega

– Public’s Favourite Film –

Winner of the category:
Young Chef Ambassadors

The Apocalypse of the Aegean
“Beautiful narration with a crucial message about the connection between territory and cuisine, as well as the importance of passing knowledge from generation to generation.”
Irene Giannakopoulos, Greece

Short film from South Aegean, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2019

Young chef Aikaterini Gonidaki, who represented South Aegean, European Region of Gastronomy 2019 at the European Young Chef Award 2022, shows her personal journey in cooking, from her childhood to her current work as a professional cook. From Patmos to Kos. With a dish that has marked all her life: Kakavia! The fishermen’s food. Her family’s food. So simple, but truly delicious and nutritious. In this video, we watch the evolution of this dish, along with Aikaterini’s life, always with a deep respect for the tradition and the excellent ingredients of the Aegean Sea.


Original title: Η Αποκάλυψη του Αιγαίου
Production date: October 2022

Director / Editor:
Yiannis Glinatsis-Reisis

Cinematography / Colour Grading:
Michael Patakos

Aerial Video Kos:
Giannis Makarounas

Aerial Video Patmos:
Isidora Krikri

Production Manager:
Manti Zarafoniti

Maria Sgouridou
Xristos Tsitsis

Monologue translation:
Vasiliki Venizelou

Martha Mitsikosta

Key Cast:
Aikaterini Gonidaki
Giannis Kypraios
Vangelis Kypraios
Andreas Tsitsis
Magia Margariti

Winner of the category:
European Region of Gastronomy

A Year Celebrating Galway’s Gastronomy

“A great look back on Galway-West of Ireland’s successful year as European Region of Gastronomy 2018 that gives voice to local people and producers, who talk about their experience and how much it meant to them.”
Raúl Torres Ajiaco, Colombia

Short film from Galway-West of Ireland, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2018

A look back at 2018, celebrating Galway-West of Ireland as the European Region of Gastronomy. This award celebrated the region’s deep-rooted food culture with countless flagship events and festivities.

The award allowed Galway-West of Ireland to share its culinary culture and heritage with the world. There is a strong pride shared amongst the food community in the region. The year brought people together to connect and collaborate to showcase Galway-West of Ireland as a foodie destination.


Original title: A Year celebrating Galway’s Gastronomy
Production date: June 2019

Commissioned by and produced for:
Galway-West of Ireland, European Region of Gastronomy 2018

Heavy Man Films

Winner of the category:
Food and Craft Gifts

Gold from the Island Kingdom

“Good storytelling through the idea of a treasure hunt.
This short film shows a variety of food products
in the area and a great example of
collaboration between producers.”
Virginie Brégeon de Saint-Quentin, France

Short film from Trondheim-Trøndelag, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022

Rumours of several exclusive food treasures on the islands of Hitra and Frøya (Trondheim-Trøndelag, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022) lead to an extensive treasure hunt. With the help of a map, the hunters succeed in finding such treasures, and the Smaker fra Øyriket network collects all of them in one treasure chest named Gold from the Island Kingdom.

The food gift Gold from the Island Kingdom received the Best Tasting award in IGCAT’s World Food Gift Challenge 2022.


Original title: Gull fra Øyriket
Production date: August 2023

Director / Writer / Producer:
Håvard Dyrø

Elisabeth Antonsen Dyrø

Film Crew:
Ramsalt Reklame og Design

Håvard Dyrø

Vidar Dyrø

Key Cast:
Gøran Kjønnøy

Food Producers:
Emil Fjeldberg Elshaug (Dolmøy Seafood)
Mona Nynes (Hitra Gårdsmat)
Tommy Aas (Bryggeriet Frøya)
Vidar Garnvik (Garnviks Røkeri)
Marianne Farstad (DalPro Gårdsmat)

Winner of the category:
Feeding the Planet

Slovenia – The Land of Beekeeping and the Carniolan Honey Bee
“Let’s protect the bees, let’s protect life! There is nothing more important about preserving biodiversity and food heritage. The role of the scientific museum is well explained and seems to be a must-go cultural and nature activity in Slovenia.”
Virginie Brégeon de Saint-Quentin, France

Short film from Slovenia, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2021

Bees are a source of life, since they enable the survival of mankind and the continuation of life on our planet. The Beekeeping Centre of Slovenia showcases the long beekeeping tradition of Slovenia and strives to preserve the remaining bee population, with a special focus on the autochthonous Carniolan honey bee as an essential part of the Slovenian natural and cultural heritage.


Original title: Slovenija – dežela čebelarstva in kranjske čebele
Production date: January 2022

Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association
Public Advisory Service in Beekeeping

Video production:
Video in foto produkcija, Nejc Travnik s.p.

Funded by:
Program of the Public Advisory Service in Beekeeping

Winner of the category:
Innovation, Creativity and Job Opportunities

Second Chances

“There is a lot of emotion in this film that emphasises
the social dimension of local gastronomy.
From a cinematic perspective, the cooking close-ups and
sound design are excellent.”
Raúl Torres Ajiaco, Colombia

Short film from Menorca, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022

Thanks to the initiative of Caritas and the former restaurant Ca n’Aguedet, Pere Pons, a long-term unemployed man, regains hope of being able to enter the world of work. By showing the more human side of producers and chefs, the character manages to turn his life around.


Original title: Segones Oportunitats
Production date: August 2023

Bendito Studios

Key Cast:
Pedro Morlá

Winner of the category:
Balanced and Sustainable Tourism

Visit Via Selinuntina, Sicily, Italy

“Beautiful gastronomic images. It really makes you want to taste the dishes shown and creates a good connection between crafts, tradition and sustainable tourism.”
Robert Palmer, UK

Short film from Sicily, European Region of Gastronomy candidate 2025

With its historical, natural and traditional treasures, Via Selinuntina (Sicily, Italy) is ready to welcome sustainable and responsible tourists in every season.


Original title: Visit Via Selinuntina, Sicilia
Production date: October 2022

This promotional video was produced by CISP (Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli) as part of the CROSSDEV project.

CISP leads the CROSSDEV project – Cultural Routes for Sustainable Social and Economic Development in Mediterranean – co-funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme (2019-2023). The project, implemented in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine by 7 partners turns sustainable tourism into a tool to highlight cultural, historic, architectonic and natural heritage of less-known areas in the Mediterranean so to promote their socioeconomic development.

Winner of the category:
Linking Urban and Rural

It’s All About the Taste!
“Well filmed, edited and told.
Made me want to catch up with local cuisine, meet with friends and go diving for wines”
Mai Damgaard Rasmussen, Denmark

Short film from Kvarner, European Region of Gastronomy candidate 2026

In 30 seconds, the promotional film shows Kvarner’s basic philosophy in gastronomy, which is that indigenous, fresh foods are the basis for a farm to table approach, i.e. from sea to table. Fresh, from the Kvarner bay scampi are brought to the restaurant, where they are prepared by a young, famous chef. Vineyards and wines are shown, with a detail of the ripening of local sparkling wines under the sea. Then the enjoyment of food is displayed in several locations. In the end, the couple in love, with a playful dog, sitting by the sea, in untouched nature, open sparkling wine, enjoying the end of the day and the sunset.


Original title: It’s All About the Taste!
Production date: August 2023

Produced by:
Filmerija and Kinoteka for Kvarner Region Tourist Board

Director / Editor:
Sanjin Stanić

Ljubo Zdjelarević
Sanjin Stanić

Edi Mužina
Sanjin Stanić

Director of fotography:
Hrvoje Franjić

Winner of the category:
Best Young Director

An Apple, a Bee and a Tree – Čeberol’ca
“The photography of this film is extremely artistic and qualitative. Lights, colours, clothing and landscapes seem to be extracted directly from a historic movie.”
Virginie Brégeon de Saint-Quentin, France

Short film from Slovenia, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2021

Slovenia is a small country with a big heart. Its name has the word love in it, and it is because of love that the story of An Apple, a Bee and a Tree was born. Nature, tradition, heritage and sustainability. All these elements have come together in this film which is a new chapter in the story of an old fruit variety, the sevniška voščenka (the Sevnica waxed apple).

The film presents the sustainable Čeberol’ca product, which is a natural and reusable food wrapper and is recognised as a kitchen utensil. It is also part of the An Apple, a Bee and a Tree package, which won the Most Ecological Choice award in IGCAT’s World Food Gift Challenge 2023.

The play is set in a scenographic Slovenian landscape in a traditional house covered with a straw roof. In the distance, hills rise up and vividly outline the countryside. The story focuses on a recipe that includes an old variety of fruit and incorporates it into the use of Čeberol’ce. In the morning the mother sends the boy to nearby farms to gather the ingredients required for making an apple tart. In a basket of goodies he brings butter, cottage cheese, eggs, honey. Then they start preparing it together. In the evening, they gather around the farm table with their friends and enjoy.

The story demonstrates the various uses of the natural beeswax wrap. Wrapping, covering, protection, multi-purpose accessory. The natural beeswax wrap is a living thing, because we can awaken it by squeezing it in warm hands. The heat softens the beeswax, making the fabric soft and kneadable. It is easy to stretch over containers of different sizes, over glasses and cups, around fruit, vegetables, sandwiches and similar snacks. The Čeberol’ca beeswax wrap is made from materials that have been carefully selected with environmental impact in mind. All of these materials are suitable for contact with food, and at every step of its creation we have been careful to minimise the impact on living and non-living elements of nature – village beekeepers provide the beeswax, the fabrics are sourced from small family businesses, the dyes are foraged from nature, and we only use wood from fruit trees that are available after rejuvenation and pruning old orchards.


Original title: Voščene zgodbe
Production date: April 2023

Tjaša Mesinger

Producer / Director:
Jani Leskovec

Nik Lavrič

Key Cast:
Tanaj Ribič (boy)
Tjaša Mesinger (mother)
Mario Ribič (father/beekeeper)
Tinkara Kozole (Herbalist)
Annemarie Culetto (Milkmaid)

It Looks Like The Future, But It Feels Like The Past by Doctor Turtle

Francka’s house – Franckina hiša (Slivnica pri Celju)

Our Jury

The category winners of the Food Film Menu 2023 have been selected by an international jury of experts:

The Food Film Menu 2023 was organised by IGCAT

Collaborating Film Festivals and Institutions:

FoodFilmFestival_Aarhus_Small      Girona Film Festival_Logo      EATSA-ATFF_Logo horizontal      Art & Tur_Logo       Amorgos Tourism Film Festival_Logo

FICME_Logo_Website_Small      Youth Palace Zugdidi_Logo