Fia Gulliksson – Sweden

Fia Gulliksson

CEO and founder of Food In Action company group

Fia is the loadstar of crEATive gastronomy eco-systems for local and global growth. Food, creativity, culture and sustainable core values are the successful tools for positive change. Food In Action has launched a number of successful initiatives and sustainable brands that have catalysed the county of Jämtland’s development and put the region firmly on the map.

Fia is a also self taught chef and also the brain behind many ideas, businesses and projects. From 2007 initiated and help her hometown Östersund to be appointed Creative City of Gastronomy within the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. In 2016 she was awarded an honorary doctor degree by the MidSweden University.
What’s more, Fia’s companies provide enduring social and cultural capital in rural areas, they’re debt-free, and… they’re profitable.

At the moment Fia travels the world and inspire others to crEATive action, development and social transformation in their local communities. Fia also consults others to crEATe their own organic ecosystems or profitable brands. She loves to share ideas of Nordic sustainable solutions and entrepreneurship.