Boaz Adhengo – Kenya

Prof. Boaz Adhengo Ph.D

Vice Chancellor – Open Christian University of Eastern Africa
Academic Professor & Author

Prof. Boaz Adhengo Ph.D, is a diplomatic and creative cross-cultural researcher, sensitive to diversity issues, with strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills. Experienced in security design, ecological evaluation and independent research projects that have specialised within the topics of digital business, creative economy, gender, migration, and identity. Adhengo works with professional goal-oriented people who need encouragement to master God’s calling in their lives, to discover the purpose of God in themselves; he works with individuals who are facing transition in their relationships, family status, career or health; and with groups who hold a common interest, such as not-for-profit boards or business units.

Combining fifteen years experience in diverse fields of the creative industry with his academic background in Political Science, Philosophy and Chaplaincy, Adhengo enjoys studying and comparing aesthetical understandings and aim to offer a creative and challenging contribution to some theoretical debates on these topics. With fifty-two books in global circulation, he has been involved in a variety of consultancy programs, with the recent being towards the establishment of a private Open University in aid of refugees within Africa (Open Christian University of Eastern Africa). Previously, as a board person in various cultural and creative groups in Kenya, he has been involved with many civil rights organizations in Kenya, including Arterial Network. Hitherto, he maintains a digital directory (Mwesaneo Art Directory) for Artists and Cultural practitioners in Kenya that is managed by Creativve Arts Society of Kenya, an organisation he founded that remains private in membership. He has edited many journals and helped found magazines that ventilate issues of concern to ecosystems, culture, developments, and tourism (NICHE Magazine).

Possessing a strong work ethic and dedication, his attributes include being empathetic, tactful, and versatile. He is imaginative, enthusiastic and take pride in being skilled in a variety of fields, having a strong tendency to adapt to people and surrounding; Adhengo promotes harmony and enjoys work that requires interpersonal contact. As an IGCAT Expert (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) since 2019, he has been striving to establish Kenya as a region of Gastronomy, a viable engagement that will steer interest amongst other African countries. In 2025, there are plans to re-establish the Festival for Arts and Cultural Enlightenments (FACE) that will not only expose the county level of creativity but promote local appreciation of culture, hence tourism.

Adhengo loves travelling and countryside walks, alongside learning percussion music; currently he practices with guitar and lives in his heritage home area of Bondo in Nyanza, Kenya.
