Prof. Mihaela Antofie, PhD – Romania

Prof. Mihaela Antofie, PhD

Associate Professor – Lucian Blaga, University of Sibiu

Prof. Mihaela Antofie is the Director of the Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Protection and she was nominated by the University to support the process of writing the bid Sibiu – European Region of Gastronomy.

She is a biologist with an experience of over 15 years in environmental policy development (i.e. biotechnology, protected areas and biodiversity) as well as in cross cutting issues such as climate change and desertification.

Her expertise is running from fundamental plant biology to plant biotechnology at industrial level and developing strategies from the local to the European level.

Mihaela is the author of 27 books and more than 90 papers published in peer reviewed journals. She coordinated or  was involved in 27 projects and in the last three years, she run 4 projects in supporting the activities mentioned into the bid of Sibiu by implying students, local communities, authorities and researchers.

Mihaela is also an active member in the following;

Member of IUCN CEC – International Union on Conserving Nature – the Commission of Education and Communication.

Member into the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Platform for Agro-biodiversity Research,;

Member in the Environmental European Bureau EEB from CCEG Romania for biodiversity and agriculture;

Member in the Editorial board of the scientific journal Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Fascicula de Biologie;