Rosario Scarpato – Italy

Rosario Scarpato

Managing Editor – IT Chefs

Rosario is an author and a television and multimedia director. He is also in promotion and big events. He lives and works in Melbourne, Australia and Buenos Aires, Argentina. As an oeno-gastronomic reporter, he has contributed regularly with hundreds of articles, investigations and surveys to various international media, for instance the Italian monthly Gambero Rosso, the Epicure supplement of the daily The Age, Australia, and other publications such as Divine, Australia, Sobremesa, Spain and Cuisine&Vins, Argentina among many others.
From 2003 to 2009, he produced many programmes for the Italian TV channel, Raisat Gambero Rosso, including two series of I viaggi del Goloso Globale (The Travels of the Global Glutton) with the television production company, Food and Travel Communications, of which he is the owner. He has also produced documentaries in English and Spanish, such as The Indomitable Spirit, a work about Peruvian Pisco, the winner in Paris of the prize OenoVideo 2007, as the best foreign language documentary. In 1993, he conceived and produced the first Sensor-Vision Theatre in the world, AustraliaGate, at Melbourne, where Experience Australia, a unique show about the history and life of Australia was projected.

Since 2007 he has been Managing Editor of, the webpage that gives expression to the GVCI, Gruppo Virtuale Cuochi Italiani (Virtual Group of Italian Cooks), a network of more that 1200 culinary professionals who work in Italian oenogastronomy in 70 countries. He cofounded the GVCI in 2000 and is now its Honorary President. He is also the Director of the Italian Cuisine World Summit in Hong Kong and of the International Day of Italian Cuisines celebrated on 17th January every year.

He can also claim to have a long experience as a gastronomic investigator and he has written works and conducted innovative research on gastronomy as an independent academic discipline and on sustainable gastronomy. He has earned a Master’s Degree from the Royal Institute of Technology of Melbourne, and is finishing a Doctorate in Philosophy and has given a course on Gastronomy as a Product of Tourism.