Dr. Marta Crispí i Canton – Spain

Dr. Marta Crispí i Canton

Director of MA course in Cultural Management – International University of Catalonia (UIC)

Marta Crispí is an IGCAT expert (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) and former IGCAT Executive Board member until 2021. She is the Director of the Masters in Cultural Management at the International University of Catalonia (UIC). The official Master has two lines, one given in English and the other in Spanish and brings together more than forty international students each year. She is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities at the UIC, teaching ‘Museums and their meanings’ and ‘Cultural and political institutions’.

Marta was the project leader boosting visit numbers to the monastery of St. John the Abbesses. Her input was key in winning a project organized by the Partnership Development Ripollès valued at € 150,000. At that time she directed, coordinated and wrote content for the following products: a collective book about the monastery, a guide, an audio, audio-visual teaching notebooks, signposting of the monastery and a brochure (2011-2012). The Monastry opened its doors 20 October 2012.

In 2010 she was a Senior Museum Technician for the Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Culture and looked after the Diocesan Museum of Solsona (1 March – 31 August 2010), where she was responsible for cataloging, conservation and restoration, dissemination, and Museum loans. She has also coordinated a number of educational activities including exhibitions, for example The Holy Ivorra doubt which included the development of a website.

While at the Technical Culture Media Lab Barcelona, Innovation Centre she was responsible for the contents of museum project and the preliminary museum exhibit Linguamón – House of Languages (2008-2009).