Visiting Europe’s ‘gastronomic capital’ in Romania

Southern Transylvania, at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, is well-known for its many attractions and popular both within Romania and abroad. One of the most noteworthy of those attractions is the beautifully restored historic city center of Sibiu.

The region of the same name, which for hundreds of years was home to a large ethnic German population, also offers picturesque countryside villages and hiking trails that meander through pristine nature. Add to that health spas, salt lakes and fortified medieval churches. And not least, of course, there is the food — still prepared in the traditional manner and the basis of a diverse regional cuisine.

“This year, all roads lead to Sibiu,” says an exuberant Alin Chipaila, head of the local tourism association. And indeed, in 2019 Sibiu is one of two featured “European Regions of Gastronomy” as chosen by the Barcelona-based international culture and tourism non-profit IGCAT. In addition, the medieval capital will also host the upcoming EU summit on May 9.

Another highlight on the calendar is Sibiu’s annual international theater festival, which has grown to be among the world’s most important, alongside those in Avignon, France and Edinburgh, Scotland.

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