Understanding and fostering creativity in the kitchen – a multidisciplinary workshop

Creativity is a critical prerequisite to innovation, which in turn is a major contributor to organisational success and survival. To date, analysis of creativity and innovation in culinary practice has been limited, with identified research gaps relating to drivers, barriers, sources and diffusion of innovation. Further, as an everyday activity, understanding creative culinary practices has the potential to promote creative thinking more generally. The University of Surrey will host the workshop ‘Understanding and fostering creativity in the kitchen’ on the 7-8th of July 2014. This workshop explores creativity in culinary practice, aiming to develop new research agendas and establish a network of researchers in this important field. Sessions will comprise keynote presentations, oral presentations from selected researchers, practical sessions exploring creativity and time for discussion. Some confirmed keynote speakers are: James Kauffman (University of Connecticut), Ron Beghetto (University of Oregon/Connecticut), Mark Stierand (Laussane Hotel School) and Nuria May Masnou (El Bulli Foundation). The number of participants in the workshop is limited, so early registration is advised. The attendance fee (£125 Full registration; £75 Students) has been minimised such that the fee should not be an obstacle to attendance. The registration fee includes workshop materials and refreshments and lunch on both days. For further information please go to http://www.ias.surrey.ac.uk/workshops/creativity/index.php