Lluís Valentí – Spain

Lluís Valentí

Cinema Producer, Director and Scriptwriter,  Director of the Girona Film Festival

Lluís Valentí is founder of the Catalan Film Academy, the Girona Film Festival, Premis Barcelona (Barcelona Awards), Premis Carles Duran (Carles Duran Awards), Premis Xavier Cugat (Xavier Cugat Awards), and Mexican Talents Awards. He is director of the Col·legi de Directors i Directores de Cinema de Catalunya (Association of Cinema Director of Catalonia), Catalonia’s Delegate to the Assembly of the Fédération Européenne des Réalisateurs de l’Audiovisuel (Federation of European Screen Directors).

He produced the last three films of Nunes, Santiago San Miguel’s Azaña and other 60 films. PhD in Art History, Lluís Valentí is professor of Cinema at Unam, La Salle and CCC in Mexico.