Stracciatella, a delicious theatrical twist

The commitment of East Lombardy, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2017 to promote its gastronomic heritage took on a delicious twist at the Stracciatelling event organised in Bergamo to celebrate the renowned stracciatella ice-cream flavour.

On 17 June 2018, gastronomy and arts converged on the fascinating scenery of Piazza Vecchia, a Renaissance square located in the heart of Città Alta (Bergamo’s upper town) where local people and visitors had the chance to taste and learn about the story of this traditional ice-cream flavour through theatre, music and circus performances.

Invented in 1961 by Enrico Panattoni, at that time owner of La Marianna, the most renowned bar and ice-cream parlour in Città Alta, stracciatella has become today a real trademark for Bergamo, attracting both domestic and international tourists, and a valuable (besides delightful!) resource to promote and narrate its territory.

The Stracciatelling event has been developed in the framework of La Stracciatella il gelato di Bergamo (Stracciatella, the ice-cream from Bergamo), a project launched in September 2017 to highlight local artisanal ice-cream industry and support the positioning of Bergamo as a gastronomy tourism destination by increasing local and international awareness of stracciatella ice-cream.

The project, which counts on the support of East Lombardy, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2017, involves several actors, both from the private and the public sector, including Ascom Confcommercio Bergamo (Confederation of Enterprises of Bergamo), the Comitato Gelatieri Bergamaschi (Association of Master Ice-cream Makers of Bergamo) and numerous companies from the local ice-cream sector. Further partners from Bergamo and its province have joined the initiative over the last few months, together with around 70 ice-cream parlours from all over Italy and abroad.

La Stracciatella il gelato di Bergamo project was promoted during SIGEP 2018, the 39th International Trade Show of Artisan Gelato, Pastry, Bakery and Coffee world held in Rimini (Italy) in January 2018 with its own stand and smaller corners in other companies’ stands, and was also a partner in the Soap Box Rally in April 2018, the oldest wood-car race in the world, with a car entirely dedicated to the project.

The initiative demonstrates the strong engagement of East Lombardy in the promotion of its excellent gastronomic sector and forms part of the legacy of the European Region of Gastronomy title year, reflecting the region’s long-term commitment to support local development through food and culture.

About the European Region of Gastronomy

Candidate and awarded Regions of Gastronomy from Europe, guided by IGCAT, are working together to raise awareness about the importance of their cultural and food uniqueness and share the long-term aim to: promote a better quality of life in European regions; highlight distinctive food cultures; educate for better health and sustainability; nurture creativity; improve tourism standards; and stimulate gastronomic innovation.


IGCAT is a non-profit institute established in 2012, working with regional stakeholder consortiums in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. It counts on the expertise of a worldwide network of experts and works in partnership with specialised intergovernmental organisations.

IGCAT aims to empower local communities by guiding, facilitating, and supporting leaders in regions to understand the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts and sustainable tourism assets.

IGCAT provides the Region of Gastronomy Award and is the official secretariat for the European Region of Gastronomy Platform. Furthermore, the Institute has developed the European Young Chef Award the Local Food Gift Challenge, the Top Food Experiences of the Year and the Food Film Festivals project.