Sibiu named European Region of Gastronomy in 2019

Sibiu County was awarded the title of Region of Gastronomy in 2019, alongside Greece’s South Aegean region. The award, presented in a ceremony in Athens on Wednesday, was given to the two regions for their commitment to food and cultural diversity.

The awards were presented by Silvia Draghi, European Commission – DG Growth and IGCAT’s president and the president of the jury, Blanca Cros. In her speech, Draghi congratulated the two regions for their successful bids to host the 2019 title and all the regions that held the title in previous years, as well as the organiser, IGCAT “In the name of the Sibiu region and of Romania, I thank you for the honor of holding in 2019 the title of European Region of Gastronomy. It is a special occasion to reinforce the European vocation of Romania and of its regions, to participate in ‘European unity through diversity’ and to reaffirm the multinational, multiethnic and multicultural character of Sibiu,” Daniela Cimpean, President of the Sibiu County Council, said at the ceremony

The International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts, and Tourism (IGCAT) organizes the award with the support of European institutions. IGCAT is an international interdisciplinary network of experts aiming to empower and facilitate local communities to realize the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts, sustainable tourism, and other local resources.

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