Russia shows an increasing interest in event and food tourism

A growing number of Russian regions realize that tourist business, if properly organized, can be a good source of income. How can Russia attract tourists, if there is no warm sea and not too much sunshine? Interesting events could be a way out – festivals, concerts, inserts, celebrations, forums and branded local products. Belevsky pastille, Venevsky buns, Syzran tomatoes, Novgorod gingerbread, Arkhangelsk cod and many other delicious made-in-Russia products have been gaining popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Pravda.Ru talked about the development of domestic tourism with President of the International Enogastronomic Center, Leonid Gelibterman, and CEO of the National Association of Guardians of Gastronomic Heritage and Tourism, Oleg Alekseyev.

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