Manabí recommended for the title of World Region of Gastronomy 2026

Manabí recommended for the title of World Region of Gastronomy 2026

The international jury composed of four international experts, accompanied by the president of IGCAT, Diane Dodd PhD, has considered the candidacy of the Manabí region for the title of World Region of Gastronomy 2026. After reviewing the candidacy book, Manabí Gastronomy from the middle of the world presented on December 30, 2023, the jury visited the region from October 20 to 26, 2024. The aim of the visit was to assess the suitability and readiness of the region to hold the title in 2026. The jury will prepare a detailed report with recommendations to support the development of the region. In the first place, the jury wishes to congratulate each Manabita for the bicentennial of the province and points out that this is an extraordinary moment to launch a new vision of the future, Manabí Millennial Gastronomy. We would also like to congratulate the work of the four institutions of the Promoting Committee, since it is an example of unity between all sectors of society (public, private, academic and NGOs). And the Manabí Millennial Gastronomy campaign, which, through high-quality audiovisual content, has achieved more than 11,000 adherents. Likewise, the jury congratulates the publication of Manabí Gastronomía Milenaria: 200 recipes, its stories and its secrets , which will be a bible for future chefs who want to make innovations with identity. In the same way, we want to highlight MANPANOR (Mancomunidad del Pacífico Norte de Manabí) for its remarkable collaboration between municipalities and the development of cultural routes, which has recently been recognized nationally by the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador. The Latitud Iche Route has shown that collaboration, rather than competition, works better. Food producers along the route benefit from broader opportunities in terms of visibility, provided by cross-marketing. All are winners in a broader commitment to sustainable and collaborative food practices. During the visit, the jury had the opportunity to speak with more than 116 key actors from across the region and was impressed by the support of several public bodies, including the Minister of Tourism, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Agriculture, the Governor of Manabí, the Prefect of the Provincial Government of Manabí, the mayors of Manta, Pedernales, Sucre, San Vicente, Jama, Chone, Tosagua, Rocafuerte, Montecristi, Jipijapa and Portoviejo. In addition, the jury has had the opportunity to interview actors from the public and private sectors, the third sector and academic institutions, and applauds the efforts of all those involved in the strategies and plans for the region. The jury has met with tourism directors, chefs, producers, fishermen, heritage experts, academics, business representatives, educators and local non-governmental entities, concerned with the development and protection of the culture of Manabí, and welcomes and celebrates the commitment and determination demonstrated throughout the region to protect and promote gastronomic and cultural diversity.

The jury was impressed by the vision of Manabí, candidate for World Region of Gastronomy 2026, which has been inspired and reinforced by the work of civil society leaders, in particular the FUEGOS Foundation, demonstrating that gastronomy can provide new opportunities for young people and help revitalize the region, recognized for being the garden of Ecuador. From the academic sector, the jury values that Manabí has 7 universities and 7 technological institutes, which offer 8 degree programs in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, as well as 4 specialized technological programs. The region produces more than 70 research projects in hospitality, tourism, culture, and heritage, and has established 25 culinary schools. In addition, Institutes of Higher Education that support this initiative. A key driver of innovation is the Iche School-Restaurant-Laboratory, where Manabí’s cuisine prepares to go out into the world through specialized education in authentic recipes, unique products, and culinary techniques, combining tradition with creativity, sustainable cuisine, and nutrition. Iche also impressed by having attracted more than 30,000 visitors to the region. The jury also highlighted the role of ESPAM University for its excellent commitment to the countryside and the environment and the Technical University of Manabi – UTM. The Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí – ULEAM stands out for its vision, and for connecting students from various sectors and artisanal producers (link with the community). A combination that guarantees opportunities for all ages; amateurs and professionals; and for the entire region. The possibilities for the development of the private sector are enormous and we want to congratulate the Chamber of Industries and Production of Manabí; the Fabril , which has been the first company to contribute to Manabí’s candidacy and supports young people who study Manabi gastronomy and food innovation; Edipacif S.A. (shrimp); To’ak Chocolate; Ajamar (canned sea); Cárdenas Chocolate; Toquifina (handmade hats); La Prosperina (coffee) and the Villacreses Sierra Family (chifles) for leading the way to ensure decent employment, sustainability and ethical work. They are examples of how private initiatives can sell high-quality products in the international market and generate very important economic and social impacts for the territory. The jury also wants to highlight innovative producers who are generating new products with quality and uniqueness such as pechiche liqueur and Pitahaya wine or other drinks based on local fruits. Examples of innovation and great potential for economic and social dynamization.

In particular, we have enjoyed many experiences such as the Finca San Francisco (chocolate) that teaches that local products can be an educational, recreational and promotional visit. It also stands out for its commitment to the environment, organic and without single-use plastics. The jury agreed that one of the strongest actions is the Cebu Expo and they have enjoyed the sustainability corridor, noting that more and more gastronomic consumers want to eat pesticide-free products with good conditions for animals. The jury enjoyed conversations with Alma, an NGO that works with Slow Food, both focused on preserving plant and animal varieties, as well as food diversity. The jury has pointed out the great role played by the hospitality sector and noted outstanding examples of traditional hospitality in both Manabí and Quito (creating a window to the region).

The combination of traditional and contemporary interpretations adds authenticity, and the jury would like to thank all those who provided spectacular food and hospitality during the visit: the Casa Gangotena hotel and restaurant (Quito), the Montuvia restaurant (Quito), the Oro Verde hotel (Manta), the Casa Rosada restaurant (Manta), the Casa Patrimonial Vesuvio restaurant (Bahia de Caràquez), the Maribel restaurant (Jama), the the Valentina Colibrí restaurant (Jama), the Saiananda hotel and rescue center (Bahía de Caräquez); the Ramada La Tonga restaurant (Tosagua), Muya Restaurant (Manta), the Ceibo Real Hotel (Portoviejo), the Nardo Restaurant (Portoviejo) and Montubio (Portoviejo). The jury enjoyed seeing that the ancient craft traditions remain alive and highlighted to everyone that these are unique assets for the region.

We want to thank the Ricardo Alcívar Artistic Center in Jama, the Toquilla Straw Hat Museum, the Lolita Jipijapa Ranch and the Cerro de Hojas Jaboncillo Research and Interpretation Center. Also, the jury wants to thank the association of artisanal fishermen Cañeros de Manta. The jury has witnessed the outstanding involvement of the public in the Manabí International Festival Millennial Gastronomy, where the massive attendance and enthusiasm of those present created a vibrant atmosphere full of celebration. Media personalities accompanied this meeting, contributing to the dissemination and recognition of local culture. The passion of all the attendees was evident in their support for Manabi gastronomy, which shone as the protagonist of the event, showing the richness of the flavors and traditions of the region. Undoubtedly, it was a memorable occasion that reinforced the pride and cultural and culinary identity of Manabí. The intangible cultural heritage of Manabí is expressed in all its splendor and diversity, both in handicrafts and in live shows, where the performing and musical arts are intertwined. It is very significant that these expressions of popular and traditional culture are driven by young people, a particularly vulnerable social group. Their pride as engines of celebration and hospitality creates a mirror effect that can inspire other citizens of their own age. These collaborative emerging leaders (chefs, maîtres and producers) can activate a gastronomic revolution using audiovisuals. All the companies and initiatives listed above are of high quality and demonstrate that Manabí has the necessary resources to continue developing its gastronomic offer, combining a rich heritage, food products with educational and attractive experiences for visitors. The jury also wants to thank each of the people they have spoken to, and who are working together for the region and have collectively created a wonderful impression of Manabí as a gastronomic gem to explore and enjoy: Mg. Mateo Estrella, Minister of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism Mg. Santiago Granda, Undersecretary of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism Mg. Verónica Álvarez, Advisor of GAD Provincial of Manabí, Prefecture of Manabí Mg. Luis Villacreses Sierra, President, Chamber of Industries and Production of Manabí -CIMP Dr. Carlos Montalvo, Tour Guide, Casa del Alabado Museum Mg. Valentina Álvarez, Gastronomic Coordinator, Fuegos Foundation Lic. Lisbeth Bentacourt, Partner and founder, Montuvia Restaurant Lic. Verónica Pulgar, Tourist Guide, Tourist Information and Security Unit, Corps of Metropolitan Control Agents of Quito Mg.

Stephany Romero Pérez, Gastronomic Tourism Consultant, Fundación Fuegos Lic. Juan Carlos Castillo, Manager, Sidarthafilms Ms. Estefanía Carrera, Educational Coordinator, Museo Casa del Alabado Dr. Luis Andrade, Guide and teacher, ESPAM University Mg. Pabel Muñoz, Mayor of Quito, Metropolitan Mayor’s Office of Quito Mg. Lucía Fernandez De Genna, Founder-CEO, Casa Rosada Mg. Imelda Muñoz, Coordinator, Prefecture of Manabí Mg. Giassandro Perotti, General Manager, Eurofish Mg. Paul Andrade, President, Tourism Bureau of Manta Mr. Etzon Romo, General Manager Quito Tourism, Quito Tourism Mr. Orazio Bellettini Cedeño, Co-founder and Executive Director, FUEGOS Mg. Marciana Valdivieso, Mayor of Manta, Mayor’s Office of Manta Dr. Ronald Muñoz Cedeño, Governor of Manabí, Government of Manabí Mr. Leonardo Orlando Arteaga, Prefect of Manabí, Prefecture of Manabí Mr. Victor Moreira, Executive Director, CIMP Dr. Marco Zambrano, Rector, ULEAM Lic. Miguel Angel Escobar, Cameraman, Sidarthafilms Lic. Fabricio Terán Vélez, Executive Director, Sidarthafilms Lic. Felipe Centeno, Marketing, Prefecture of Manabí PhD (c) Ámparo Cabrera, Professor, ULEAM Mg. Carla Rizzo, General Manager, TMA Lic. Juan Francisco Proaño, Education Coordinator, TMA Mg. Alfredo Harmsen, Founder, Hotel Saiananda Lic. Chantal Fontaine, Founder, Hotel Saiananda Mg. Rodrigo Vélez, General Manager, EDPACIF S.A. Mg. Daniel Heredia, General Manager, Radar Foundation Mg. Adriana Arellano, Director, Fundación Fuegos Mgt. Patricio Tamariz, Sustainable Tourism Consultant Mr. Juan Ramón, General Manager, Fundación Raíces y sueños Mg. Fabricio Lara, Mayor of San Vicente, Mayor’s Office of San Vicente Lic. Marcos Cuesta, General Manager, El Faro Gabriela Mora, Strategic Coordinator, Prefecture of Manabí José Chavez, Pastry Chef, Iche Mr. Ricardo Alcívar, Sculptor Ms. Gloria Chavez, Chef, Valentina Colibrí Dr. Carlos Mendoza, Mayor of Sucre, Mayor’s Office of Sucre Mgt. Susana Cárdenas, CEO and founder of Cárdenas Chocolate, Cárdenas Chocolate Cecilia Cedeño, Chef and founder, Restaurant Muya Mrs. Margarita Lucas, Chef, Saiananda Hotel Mrs. Lidia Zambrano, Kitchen Assistant, Saiananda Hotel Sr.

Benito Cedeño, Baker, Saiananda Hotel Mr. Miguel Rivadeneira, Owner, Finca San Francisco-Ricaurte Lic. Irina Bravo, General Manager, Finca San Francisco-Ricaurte Mr. Geovany Moreira, Farmer, Slow Food ALMA Lic. Luis Fernando Dueñas, Chef, Fundación Fuegos

Dr. Miryam Félix López, Rector, ESPAM Karen Chávez, Member, Slow Food ALMA Sofía Garcia, Member, Slow Food ALMA Ms. Zoé Zambrano, Model, Queen of San Vicente Henry Valencia, Chef, Back to the countryside Dr. Tito Zambrano, President, CORPOGRAM Eng. Xavier Zambrano, Promoter, Expo-Cebu Lic. Fanny Vergara, Chef, Self-Employed Karen Flores de Valgaz, General Manager, Manabí Produce Dr. Leonardo Rodríguez, Mayor of Chone, Mayor’s Office of Chone Ms. Rita Zambrano, Owner, Los Almendros Candy Store Noberto Vélez, Mayor of Rocafuerte, Mayor’s Office of Rocafuerte Lic. Romel Cedeño, Mayor of Tosagua, Mayor of Tosagua Ms. Milena Delgado, Chef, Maribel Restaurant Mr. Jonathan Toro, Mayor of Montecristi, Mayor’s Office of Montecristi Mr. Jorge Cedeño, Historian, Toquilla Straw Hat Museum Eng. MG. Lorena Bravo, Director, Toquilla Straw Hat Museum Mr. Simón Ezpinal, Artisan, Pila Community Mr. Richard Santano, Artisan, Pila Community Mr. Edy Veliz, Artisan, Pila Community Mr. Pedro Delgado, Artisan, Las Pampas Community Ms. Lilibeth Paredes, Singer Mr. Alpio Alfonso Delgado, Fisherman, Federation of Fishing and Similar Organizations of Ecuador Mr. Jimmy López, Fisherman, Federation of Fishing and Similar Organizations of Ecuador Ms. Ana Mendoza, Event Organizer, Am Eventos Ms. Dolores Lino Pin, Chef, Cevichería 3 owners Mr. Carlos Plaza, Executive Manager, Hacienda La Prosperina Ms. Alejandrina, Palma Chef, Finca La Adelita Lic Leonardo Pinargote, Chef and founder, Nardo Restaurant Lic. Madelaine Vélez, Government of Manabí, Prefecture Lic. María Fernanda Buseta, Director of Gastronomy Career, Technical University of Manabí PhD Santiago Quiroz, Rector, Technical University of Manabí

Dr. Mara Molina, Vice-Rector, Technical University of Manabí Lexy Loor Alcívar, Director of Citizen Participation, Prefecture of Manabí Fátima Flores, Director of the Ministry of Tourism in Manabí, Ministry of Tourism Dr. Pedro Quijije, Academic Vice-Rector, ULEAM Mg. Gabriela Sion Santos, Director of Gastronomy and Hospitality, ULEAM Mg. Luis Reyes, Chef de partie, ULEAM Mg. Dahiana Ávila, Member of the promoting committee, ULEAM Mg. Leydy Cevallos, Protocol, ULEAM

Dr. Ángela Plúa, Mayor of Jipijapa, Mayor’s Office of Jipijapa Ms. Lupita Vélez, Secretary General, Mayor’s Office of Montecristi Andrés Ortiz, Advisor, Prefecture of Manabí PhD Baly Vera, Advisor, Prefecture of Manabí Econ. Armando Sosa, Director of Development Planning, Prefecture of Manabí Mr. Luis Gutierrez, Owner, Estancia Lolita Ms. Vanessa Pincay, Administrator, Estancia Lolita Mr. Luis Balda, Chef, Montuvio Restaurant Eng. María Molina, Local Guide, Cerro de Hojas Jaboncillo Mg. Romina Muñóz, Minister of Culture and Heritage, Ministry of Culture and Heritage Eng. María Yocanda, Local Guide, Cerro de Hojas Jaboncillo Eng. Manuel Barcia, Director of Regional Culture, Ministry of Culture Lic. Jorge Ponce, Political Chief of Portoviejo, Government of Manabí Lic. Andrés Rivera, Director, Center for Research and Interpretation Zonal 4 Mr. Miguel Chillán, President, Cerro de Hojas Jaboncillo The jury wishes to point out that the award will provide an additional stimulus for the actors to continue and deepen their cooperation, share knowledge and develop cross-marketing opportunities with other award-winning and candidate World Food Regions, thus providing international visibility. The commitment of the promoting committee and its strategies and planned projects are all admirable: the promotion of Dieta Manabita is and will be very important, as well as the seal of Hecho 100% en Manabí. The Young Chef of the Americas project will be crucial to position Manabí as a leader in sustainability and innovation on tradition in the kitchen. In general, the planned promotion and national and international events will help position Manabí on the world gastronomic map. It is essential that a public-private fund be set up to implement the plan, lead and manage the budget in an efficient and transparent manner. And that the fund has sufficient resources to employ an executive directorate to coordinate all the participating institutions and be the point of contact with IGCAT. This person will be selected by the Promoting Committee and validated by IGCAT, ensuring that they have the knowledge and leadership to ensure the successful implementation of the Bicentennial Plan of an ancient gastronomy 2025-2029.


The jury values that the candidacy:

  • It integrates the six different focus areas of IGCAT;
  • It has been developed with the participation of multiple actors;
  • It includes plans for Manabí’s participation in joint IGCAT projects that demonstrate a commitment to the international dimension;
  • It presents a lasting and long-term legacy for the region;
  • It shows a strong commitment to sustainability and quality food products;

The jury has agreed that the exceptional food and hospitality offered by Manabí, together with its culture, the harmony between cultures, crafts, traditions, landscapes, quality food products, exceptional restaurants, as well as its tangible and intangible heritage, make Manabí’s candidacy extremely solid. Therefore, based on the written application and the visit to the region, the jury has decided that the Manabí region will be recommended for the title of World Region of Gastronomy 2026. The jury will present its recommendations to the region in the coming weeks and, pending further information regarding the mixed fund, budgets and governance, IGCAT is expected to approve this recommendation at the next IGCAT assembly scheduled for December 10, 2024. By meeting all the criteria and being approved in December, the jury is confident that it will be able to hold its award ceremony in early 2025, which will already be an opportunity to share the gastronomic treasures of Manabí with the world and also to start the projects and plans for 2026.

Composition of the jury

Diane Dodd PhD – IGCAT President Diane Dodd PhD is President of IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) and founder of the World Food Region Award, which aims to support regional development by highlighting distinctive food, crafts and cultures, educate for better health, support balanced and sustainable tourism, as well as stimulating creative and gastronomic innovation. Together with experts from the growing Platform of award-winning regions, he has promoted awards such as the World Food Gift Challenge, the European Young Chef Award (the competition for young European chefs), the Food Film Menu (an international short film competition on food sovereignty) and the Top Websites for Foodie Travellers list. She is also a regional advisor to the global network IFACCA (International Federation of Cultural Councils and Agencies). She is a visiting professor in the Master’s Degree in Cultural and Political Institutions course at the International University of Catalonia and in the Event and Destination Management course for EUHTSTPol. In addition, she is an independent evaluator of the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes programme and editor of several publications on cultural policy and management for the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). Ramon Sentmartí – Catalonia World Region of Gastronomy 2025 Ramon Sentmartí is the General Director of PRODECA, a public company of the Government of Catalonia that promotes Catalan agri-food products and gastronomy in national and international markets, as well as offering support in the marketing and internationalization of Catalan agri-food companies. He has been a key figure in supporting Catalonia as the European Region of Gastronomy 2016, facilitating the development of a gastronomic plan and obtaining the role of IGCAT Expert. Since he has promoted Catalonia as World Gastronomy Region 2025, he has been appointed Ambassador by IGCAT. Ramon is a sociologist graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and a postgraduate degree in Local and Regional Development from the University of Barcelona. Jerry Spooner – Vanuatu candidate World Region of Gastronomy 2027 Jerry Spooner from Vanuatu (Pacific) has more than 20 years of experience in the private sector and government. During his time in government, he led the development of Vanuatu’s Sustainable Tourism Policy and Strategy to guide the tourism industry towards a more sustainable model. As co-founder of Regenerative Vanua, Jerry recognizes the crucial role culinary tourism plays in agritourism as a behavior change and resilience strategy for small islands. Through local culinary experiences, it seeks to better connect travelers with rural communities, with the goal of protecting traditional knowledge and land sovereignty. Jerry is currently Chair of the Pacific Committee of the Global Agritourism Network and is working on the development of the Pacific Regenerative Recognition Pathway, guided by the Regenerative Vanua framework.

Jaume Gomila – IGCAT Board Member and Menorca European Region of Gastronomy 2022 (Possible candidates for World Region of Gastronomy 2030) Jaume Gomila has been a key figure in supporting Menorca as a European Region of Gastronomy 2022, facilitating the development of a gastronomic plan and obtaining the role on the IGCAT board. He is currently president of the Adult Education Schools of Menorca. He is a philologist, teacher and cultural manager. She holds professional degrees in Music and Theatre, and a postgraduate degree in Literary Studies from the University of Barcelona. He has worked in various creative and heritage sectors. Since 2018, he has been a civil servant of the Government of the Balearic Islands, where he has organized artistic studies such as the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts of Ibiza and the School of Dramatic Art of Menorca. He has been director of the Public Library and Historical Archive of Mahón (2014-2015) and General Director of Culture of the Balearic Islands (2015-2017). He is a member of numerous NGOs and cultural entities. Fabrizia Toccoli – IGCAT International Projects Manager Fabrizia Toccoli is an expert at IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) and International Project Manager for 8 years. He organizes IGCAT’s international events such as the World Food Gift Challenge, the European Young Chef Award, the Food Film Menu and the Top Websites for Foodie Travelers award. He acts as a liaison between IGCAT and the local partners of the Platform of World Regions Gastronomy and has represented IGCAT in different European Erasmus+ projects, in which he has mainly dealt with the communication and dissemination part: FOODBIZ – Learning between universities and companies for new employment opportunities in food and gastronomy; ON-IT – Online internships in tourism; and NEMOS – A new educational model for the acquisition of sustainability skills through service-learning. In 2020-2021 she has been director and coordinator of events in the association Lo Rebost Ecològic de Les Terres de l’Ebre (The Ecological Pantry of the Terres de l’Ebre) created with the aim of positioning the Terres de l’Ebre (Catalonia, Spain) as a reference destination for gastronomic tourism in an ecological key.

About the Award: World Gastronomy Region

The International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (IGCAT) is the operational institute that oversees the management and coordination of the World Region of Gastronomy Award. IGCAT believes that cross-sectoral collaboration will help regions find solutions to current challenges, and therefore, the prize is not only given because a region has great gastronomy, but because the entire region is working together to create a more sustainable food future. IGCAT encourages not only hospitality industries to participate, but all sectors of the ecosystem, including public and private entities, NGOs and academic institutions. The first step in applying for the award is to bring these different entities together. The next stage is to create a candidacy dossier that brings together as many important initiatives as possible, so that people within the region can begin to appreciate how rich their own reserves are. The third stage consists of a jury visit that concludes with a recommendation to the IGCAT Board and a report that helps the region prepare for a successful trip. The candidate and awarded regions as Regions of Gastronomy, guided by IGCAT, work together to strengthen food security by celebrating distinctive gastronomic cultures; creating employment by stimulating creativity and gastronomic innovation; nurturing children and adults through culinary and cultural education; promoting environmental sustainability in the tourism, hospitality and agriculture sectors; supporting balance and sustainable tourism practices; highlight and support expertise within rural and urban communities, creating connections and sharing good practices; and ultimately contribute to the health and well-being of the community.

26 October 2024