Loads of visitors, no staff: Tourism industry 45,000 workers short

A staffing crisis in Scotland’s tourism industry could force many operators out of business, trade experts fear.

The country is readying for a bumper season as international flights edge back to pre-pandemic levels, cruise ships are once again in demand and many staycationers look to enjoy holidays cancelled during lockdown.

That’s the good news. The bad? The industry is about 45,000 workers short, meaning hotels, restaurants and attractions are struggling to cope and many are having to cut their services and hours to stay operational.

Visitors are urged to plan ahead and book because spare capacity for “drop-in” rooms and restaurant tables could be much more limited than before Covid and Brexit.

Read full original article Loads of visitors, no staff: Tourism industry 45,000 workers short at sundaypost.com

Photo credit: Joshua Earle on Unsplash