Invitation to the European Young Chef Award 2017

Young European chefs have been selected as finalists from awarded European Regions of Gastronomy to join a European competition on the 6th November 2017, set to protect and promote cultural and food diversity, culinary traditions, gastronomic innovation and promote young chefs starting out on their careers.

World renowned chef Joan Roca is ambassador for the Award that is organized by the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism, a non-profit organisation established in 2012 aiming to empower local communities by promoting the potential of distinctive food, culture, arts and sustainable tourism assets in regions around the world.

Joan Roca noted that the “European Young Chef Award offers future professionals not only the chance to prove themselves in a lively contest, using their ability to create innovative recipes based on the gastronomic roots of their regions. But, it also grants them the priceless opportunity to learn from one another, discover other food cultures, and share knowledge and experiences.” 

The European Young Chef Award is promoted by IGCAT and the 2017 edition will be hosted by the University School for Hospitality and Tourism in Sant Pol de Mar (EUHTStPOL) with the support of Prodeca and the Catalan Tourism Board.

As winners of the 2016 competition, the South Aegean region of Greece will be protagonist, with the celebrity chef ambassador for the South Aegean, Argiro Barbarigou, television star and owner of Papadakis Restaurant in Athens, presiding the international jury panel and taking part in a round table. Following the competition chef Barbarigou will take part in a public conversation with the winner of the European Young Chef Award 2016, Stamatios Misomikes, from South Aegean region and the 2017 finalists on the importance of mentoring for the career development of young chefs.

Stamatios Misomikes, in the photo receiving 2016 first prize from Joan Roca, will also hold a master class for 2017 participants as well as share his experience as IGCAT’s Young Chef Ambassador since gaining the title last year.

The event aims to:

Promote innovations on traditional cuisine
Local food cultures are an important source of innovation. Traditions developed over centuries form the vital ‘DNA’ of food cultures and regional gastronomy as well as local knowledge is therefore an important potential source of innovative products and experiences.

Highlight sustainable food cultures
Sustainable local, regional and global food systems are important for all our futures. The European Young Chef Award therefore aims to stimulate debate about sustainable food and gastronomy practices, production and consumption.

Create future ambassadors for local food products
Local food products are often unique to the territory from which they come. Likewise, regional culture creates distinction that underline the added-value of local products. By giving visibility to emerging chefs that support local products, it is hoped to contribute to a more sustainable and better quality of food experiences.

For more information about the competition and the rules, please visit:

Enjoy the European Young Chef Award 2016 official video at:

Interested in attending the event? Please contact: