International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism

Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and the heads of the delegations from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) member states, representatives of cultural and tourism institutions, private sector, and NGOs, who took part in the first International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism hosted by the Bulgarian capital city, adopted a draft declaration. It will be presented to all participants in the forum and after their supplements within a two-week deadline the document will be officially adopted as the Sofia Declaration, the press office of the Ministry of Tourism announced. The document stresses that tourism is one of the leading social-economic sectors providing opportunities for growth, preservation of the cultural heritage, and efficient utilisation of the natural resources.

It also notes that the sector is among the priority fields for sustainable development of the world with a horizon by 2030. World civilisations, and mostly their history, folklore, myths, architecture, and art are a major factor for encouragement of the international cooperation in tourism. The declaration also stresses that the UN General Assembly approved the adoption of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.