Inauguration ceremony of the FICCCG

The Director of the IGCAT, Diane Dodd and Núria Castellanos, Marketing and Projects Manager, attended the opening ceremony of the new premises for the Fundació Institut Català de la Cuina i Cultura Gastronòmica (FICCCG) at the Campus de l’Alimentació de Torribera, Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

The event was chaired by Màrius Rubiralta, Director of the Campus de l’Alimentació at the University of Barcelona; Pepa Aymamí, General Director of the FICCCG; Xavier Mestres, the President of the FICCCG and the acting mayoress of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

The event served to highlight and position Catalan cuisine today, present the collaboration between the IFCCCG and the University of Barcelona and its joined projects.   Furthermore, it presented how the campaign to have Catalan Cuisine recognised by UNESCO, as a world cultural intangible asset, is gaining momentum.

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