Blanca Cros i Moll is the Head of European Programmes & International Relations at the Catalan Tourist Board and…
MoreLarissa Uwase – Rwanda
Larissa Uwase completed an undergraduate course in Built Environment and Architecture in 2016, at the College of…
MoreJacinta Dalton – Ireland
Jacinta is an IGCAT board member and a member of Faculty at The College of Tourism & Arts, Galway Mayo Institute…
MoreA/Prof Jutamas (Jan) Wisansing (PhD) – Thailand
Jutamas Wisansing completed a bachelor degree, majoring in television production. After exploring the field of Drama…
MoreProf. Dra. Lidia Varbanova – Bulgaria
La Prof. Dra. Lidia Varbanova tiene experiencia profesional en Canadá, Europa, Asia Central y el Cáucaso. Trabaja como…
MoreIlona Sares – Finland
As a former Business Relations Manager at ProAgria/Ruural Women’s Advisor Centre North Savo/Eastern Finland…
MoreDr. Kris Rampersad – Trinidad y Tobago
El Dr. Kris Rampersad es un educador independiente de desarrollo sostenible y un galardonado productor multimedia…
MoreMarina Simião – Brasil
Marina Simião trabaja desde el año 2000 en los sectores del turismo y la cultura, habiendo…
MoreCaroline Couret – Spain
Caroline Couret is an expert in creative tourism. She founded and currently manages the Creative Tourism Network®…