Ramon Sentmartí – Spain

Ramon Sentmartí

Managing Director – PRODECA

Ramon Sentmartí is Managing Director of PRODECA, a public company of the Government of Catalonia that promotes Catalan agrifood products and gastronomy in the national and international markets, as well as provides support in marketing and internationalisation for Catalan agrifood companies. He has been a key stakeholder and supporter of Catalonia, European Region of Gastronomy 2016, facilitating the development of a gastronomy plan and earning the role as IGCAT Expert (International Institute of Gastronomy Culture, Arts and Tourism). Since championing Catalonia, World Region of Gastronomy 2025 he has been given Ambassador status by IGCAT.

His previous experience includes a position as Head of the Agrifood Commercialization Programme at the Department of Commerce of the Government of Catalonia, as well as multiple projects in different organisations in the agrifood sector.

Ramon graduated as a sociologist at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, obtained a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and concluded a postgraduate course in Local and Regional Development at the Universitat de Barcelona.
