Sign the Petition to World Leaders: Stop Negotiating in Secret and Release the Text of the TPP and TTIP Immediately!"

The next rounds of secret talks for two trade deals that will put our democracy, food safety and environmental standards in the hands of corporations are about to take place in Brussels and New York. World leaders are working alongside major corporations to pass these dangerous deals — but are refusing to tell us what’s inside the agreements. We need to speak out now to stop this corporate takeover. Leaks from the negotiations paint a terrible picture of what the world could be like if these deals pass: sky-high costs for life-saving cancer treatment, further devastation of the world’s poor, and the right for big corporations to sue governments in secret courts for billions — just for passing laws that protect families, workers and the planet. With only days to go until the next rounds of negotiations begin, we need to get access to these texts urgently …READ MORE