ART-idea’s Director, Diane Dodd, and ART-idea’s Project Manager, Maro Kazamiaki, attended the City and Gastronomy Seminar at the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) on November 15th 2013 organised by the Kreanta Foundation in collaboration with the Consorcio Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Barcelona (CUIMPB)-Centre Ernest Lluch and Metropolis, the World Association of the Major Metropolises. The Seminar took place in the framework of the Cátedra Medellín-Barcelona, an initiative started in 2009 by Kreanta Foundation within its international cooperation and development programme in Colombia.

The Seminar was inaugurated by Joan Fuster Sobrepere, academic director of CUIMPB–Centre Ernest Lluch, and Félix Manito, President of the Kreanta Foundation, followed by an intervention of Alain Le Saux, General Secretary of Metropolis, on “City and Gastronomy on the local and international agenda” presenting the significance of gastronomy and city in the wider context of urban development and growth, health and education.

During the first round table Claudia Márquez Cadavid, Primera Dama de la Alcaldía de Medellín (First Lady of the City Hall of  Medellín) presented the project “Medellín sí sabe, la ruta de la comida tradicional de la ciudad”, an initiative focused on preserving the local cuisine, educating the entrepreneurs and promoting a gastronomic route to mobilise the citizens. The floor was then given to Raimond Blasi, Councillor of Trade, Consumption and Markets of the City Hall Barcelona who presented the city’s policies for cultural gastronomy.

The second part of the seminar was a round table with Miquel Espinet, architect and president of FAD (Fostering Arts and Design), Carles Gaig, chef at the Restaurant Gaig, and Toni Massanés, general director of ALÍCIA Foundation (Alimentation and Science). The speakers debated the tendencies and challenges of the future of gastronomy emphasising the importance of tradition and roots in relations between the city and gastronomy.

The seminar ended with a final debate on gastronomy strategies in cities with examples from Barcelona, presented by Manel Casanovas, director of the Programme on Gastronomy, Culture and Leisure of Barcelona Tourism, the candidacy of Vic-Osona region for the UNESCO City of Gastronomy presented by Joan Naudó, President of the hospitality union of Osona, and Josep Lluís Martí, director of the Consortium of Touristic Promotion of the Coast of Maresme.