L’Eggs of Paco Pérez with a Plus

Newsletter EUHTStPol. The trend is to look for trends. Nowadays businesses need to include a ‘plus’. A plus in order to attract customers, a bit saturated of proposals.  The goal is to give life to spaces like the famous restaurant L’Eggs by Paco Perez, invited chef of the recent Contest of Young Cuisine of Catalunya of the EUHT StPOL. The restaurant L’Eggs will offer live music, tapas (from oysters to Japanese trends, and filled rolls), and evidently, drinks. The bar, led by bartender Javier Caballero, will be one of the attractions for the afternoon and the evening events including live music and other surprises. As its name say L’Eggs restaurant will be focused on one traditional yet somehow forgotten ingredient: the egg. The clear and yolk are the main protagonists, being in all the recipes of the restaurant. A proposal like this is something fun and different, making it a unique attraction in Barcelona. For the Spanish version… READ MORE