International Forum – Education, Employment and Training in Tourism

The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, under coordination of Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition, will organise the International Forum – Education, Employment and Training in Tourism that will take place online on 21 January 2021.

Having in mind Human Resources and Qualifications as key pillars for Tourism, this Forum brings together national and European authorities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations and civil society with the aim to discuss good practices and exchange ideas.

The first panel will be dedicated to Education & Training in Tourism – How? and will focus on education and training models.

The second panel, under the theme Future Trends in Tourism, aims to discuss the main trends in the sector and what will dictate demand and consumption, together with possible methodologies to adapt to new challenges.

The Forum will also offer the opportunity to present and debate the European Commission’s Pact for Skills initiative, a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe, as well as provide examples of concrete projects and good practices in the European context.

Provisional programme

Registration is open until 19 JanuaryREGISTER HERE

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