Speed up social and economic recovery by fostering Sustainable Tourism Development

The new Recovery and Resilience Facility, proposed by the European Commission to help the EU rebuild after the pandemic, offers an unprecedented opportunity to support tourism and ensure that the sector helps to drive digital and green transitions, and thereby strengthens both economic and social resilience.

Following its urgent call to Member States to make tourism a strategic element in their national recovery plans,  the European Tourism Manifesto alliance has published a provisional non-exhaustive list of investment ideas to enable travel and tourism to generate jobs and growth and support green and digital transitions. These investment ideas are in line with the Commission’s Guidance to Member States on Recovery and Resilience Plans.

The alliance is willing to help Member States in drafting their recovery and resilience plans to ensure that the proposed reforms and investments create a favourable environment in which tourism can develop in a sustainable and resilient way, and continue to create jobs, fostering cohesion and building the path towards a sustainable recovery from the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the provisional paper Call for action: Speed up social and economic recovery by fostering Sustainable Tourism Development at tourismmanifesto.eu

Photo credit: MaBraS from Pixabay