Creative alignments

IGCAT’s President, Dr. Diane Dodd was fortunate to join the European Chapter for IFACCA (International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies) members at their closed meeting in Liverpool, England, 10-12 October 2018. The European Chapter Meeting operated under the title Shifting the Balance of Power. Simon Mellor, Deputy Chief Executive of Arts Council England opened the meeting with a series of provocations including one of particular interest to IGCAT: Interesting creative alignments can be made when engaging community, so should the Arts Council move from purely supporting arts to becoming a National Development Agency for Creativity and should there be a wider celebration of culture and creativity? And, does arts funding need to shift to other organisations operating in other sectors in order to reach more people?

IFACCA will continue looking at these questions when it celebrates its World Summit on Arts and Culture in Malaysia, 11-14 March 2019. The 8th World Summit will bring together leading policy makers, researchers, managers and practitioners from the arts and culture sector from around the world to address the theme of Mobile Minds: Culture, Knowledge and Change, and explore key issues that affect public support for the arts and creativity. For more information see:


IGCAT is a non-profit institute established in 2012, working with regional stakeholders consortiums in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. It counts on the expertise of a worldwide network of experts and works in partnership with specialised intergovernmental organisations.

IGCAT aims to empower local communities by guiding, facilitating, and supporting leaders in regions to understand the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts and sustainable tourism assets.

IGCAT provides the Region of Gastronomy Award and is the official secretariat for the European Region of Gastronomy Platform. Furthermore, the Institute has developed the European Young Chef Award, the Local Food Gift Challenge, the Top Food Experiences of the Year and the Food Film Festivals project.