Summer course on local food for strategic events planning

IGCAT has designed a summer course for students coming mainly from Latin America at EUHTSTPOl. During a 2 week intensive summer course that includes a number of modules on culinary arts and hospitality, IGCAT provides 12 hours of training in strategic events planning.  The training looks at the importance of local food as a unique selling point and feature to enhance the performance of local festivals. IGCAT’s Executive Director, Dr. Diane Dodd, leads the course, with festival management planning workshops led by Jordi Vegas, IGCAT’s Project Manager. The aim is to provide students with knowledge and skills to develop and manage a cultural/food event.

For information about the course visit:

IGCAT – International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism – is an international interdisciplinary network of experts aiming to empower and facilitate local communities to realise the potential of their distinct food, culture, arts, sustainable tourism and other local resources.

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