C’REG 2016_ Catalonia European Region of Gastronomy presents their programme for 2016
C’REG 2016 (Catalonia, European Region of Gastronomy 2016) under the slogan Som Gastronomia (We are gastronomy) took place in Barcelona on Friday 29 January at Esade Creapolis. The meeting that was opened by the Director, Department of Marketing, ESADE,Josep F. Valls presented many key figures from the Catalan gastronomy sector that are all fully endorsing the programme for 2016.
Speakers included Elena Folguet, Business Director of Value Retail and Xaviell Illa, Delegate of Hesperia and NH Hotels who both explained all the positive impacts of the award for the region’s SMEs. Xavier Espasa, General Director of the Catalan Tourist Board pointed out the  importance of using the European Region of Gastronomy Award for Catalonia to increase the quality of visitor, to promote the region and to diversify the offer.
The ambassador for Catalonia, European Region of Gastronomy 2016 was announced as Michelin-starred Chef Carme Ruscalleda and her address to the participants spoke about the importance of gastronomy for Catalonia. It was also an opportunity for participants to be introduced to some of her new dishes for this year where she aims to highlight the real value of using fresh and local products while innovating with Asian culinary techniques to create a new Catalan gastronomy experience.
The European Region of Gastronomy initiative has been conceived by IGCAT (International Institute for Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) and the award is given by an independent jury of international experts.  IGCAT’s philosophy is to award regions that create strong regional networks of stakeholders crossing sectors and disciplines to find local solutions. Carme Ruscalleda pointed out how important the regional stakeholder meetings have been and applauded the commitment of the many stakeholders and participants that have come together to improve and promote Catalan gastronomy.